Update on price based on recent Gunbroker.com auctions. (They are coming down)
I recently won an R9S auction for $955 from Elliots in Louisioanna - I will post report when I pick it up. Pretty good service so far.

The R9S that was listed to start at $1100 did not sell (twice - it was relisted immediately and didn't sell the second time either), as predicted.

One R9 that was listed to start at $950 also did not sell.
Another R9 that was started at $959 and ends in three days still has no bids.
The other R9S listed by Elliots in Louisianna is now at $965 and ends early tomorrow AM.
Based on this (and the auctions I watched for two weeks before), I would say that the market price for an R9S is now below $1,000 (in the mid-900s) and even less for an R9. Keep in mind that for auctions you do have to add about $40 to $50 to the final price to account for shipping and dealer tansfer fees, but that is little different than paying sales tax at many on-site dealers (depending on your state).
At the very least, you shouldn't have to pay more than $950 or $960 for a NIB R9S anymore.
Good news for us buyers.