Okay, I got to the range today with my Bushmaster M4, my Sig 220ST and my R9s. It was a beautiful day to be outside! The M4 and 220 worked great. The R9 had a few issues, but not as bad as in the past.
I brought a big box of Speer 115gr GDHP and also some blazer 115gr FMJ. The R9s was, of course, clean and also lubed with the recomended super lube. I watched carefully how I fired each shot, making sure to keep my thumbs away from the slide and to keep a good solid grip and tight wrist.
I fired about 60 or so rounds, mostly the GDHP. The first two magazines, or 12 rounds, were fine. The third may have been fine as well, I didn't keep a careful record today. Overall, I experienced 4 failures. Two of these were failure to feed with GHDP, where the round is tipped up with the bullet up against the top and rear of the chamber. The third failure was also of this type, but with the blazer FMJ.
The last failure was a brand new trick. It was a failure to extract. When the slide went back, the casing didn't come with it out of the chamber. This was fairly late in the shooting session, and I suspect that some gunk got under the extractor so it did not properly latch on to the casing.
I don't quite know what to make of this. Karl told me that as far as he is concerned, the pistol works very well. I used the ammo you guys all tell me is the most reliable and even tried some FMJ, which should feed perfectly. Maybe I should find a ransom rest. A ransom rest won't "limp wrist" and if it fails in that then it's hard to blame the shooter.
Still, it could have just gotton dirty quickly. If I can get it to reliably fire the first 14 rounds that would be okay. Pondering...