I have all of the pistols you have, except the HK P7, which you should definitley keep. I think you should also keep the Glock 23. My G23 loaded with 14 .40cal Speer 165gr GDHPs is my primary home defense pistol. My wife's gun is a S&W 342 loaded with 2 rounds of .38spl 148gr lead WC, then 3 Speer .38spl 135gr +P GDHPs. I figure that if the first 2, low recoil 148gr WCs, (which she shoots well) don't get the job done then she won't notice the recoil of the +Ps if she has to fire them. So it looks like that leaves the Glock 27. I really like my G27, but it is a little too large to carry unless you have a jacket on to conceal it. Enjoy your Rohrbaugh.