>>Quite frankly, I think the Drifter (dmobrien2001) makes some good points, and I hope those last words of his WON'T be his last on the subject...because I think the subject of keyhole flight warrants further investigation, and hopefully answers to help solve the problem and improve on the design of the R9, as might be necessary.
To do this, I believe it will speed up this process if we all work together, and hopefully provide useful input that Karl and Eric can work with. So the R9 may not be perfect...? So what...!...and what else is...?...!! This does not diminish my appreciation for the R9 at all - particularly given I have a couple bullet types which seem to work well in my guns. I will continue to carry it, with confidence.
I look forward to the opportunity to learn more about the R9 and perhaps be a part of helping to improve on the design of my favorite Pocket Pistol. We have a rare thing here with this forum, and the many knowledgeable people who participate and contribute, like the Drifter. Obviously he knows more about the subject than I do. I hope we can learn to face this problem together and be a part of the solution...together. Pie in the sky...? Maybe...but we won't know if we don't try, and better learn to learn from one another, and agree to disagree from time to time. **TW stumbles off the soapbox and goes to sit quietly in the corner...Yeah, right - LOL...!**