Author Topic: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)...??  (Read 10173 times)

Offline TW

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Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)...??
« on: May 13, 2005, 02:48:41 PM »
>>From what I gather around here - it seems quite a few people have, or plan to own, more than one R9...!!  I am one of those people, and I can't really tell you why!  I mean...I know what I told my wife = first is a collector's piece, second for carry...AND they are different = black vs. blue grips, one with sights, other without.  But in reality it is something more than that...and I can't put my finger on it just now.  I have quite a few guns, but very few duplicates.  Is it because we realize just how special these guns are, and we are afraid to have one down...?...or afraid the Rohrbaugh brothers will vanish one day...?  Perhaps we realize what a buy these guns are - knowing that one day they will be selling at twice the price...which is probably what they are really worth...?  what is it...?...!

Am I just nuts...?  How about the rest of you with more than one R9 - what's your story...?...TW<<

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 03:45:52 PM »
I own two because they are the best quality, most concealable, most accurate, 9mm "pocket" pistol in the world. I need deep concealment behind the lines here in Md. and this little gem more than fills the bill.
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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 04:07:46 PM »
TW, How can you be that mean????!!!!   You are talking about more than one R9 and all these folks out there are still waiting for their first one.     Tom
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2005, 05:44:41 PM »
>>From what I gather around here - it seems quite a few people have, or plan to own, more than one R9...!!  I am one of those people, and I can't really tell you why!  I mean...I know what I told my wife = first is a collector's piece, second for carry...

I am now the proud owner of two Farmingdale R9S's*. I'm a very lucky
guy. I picked up the second one last week, and it prompts this collecting question:

Everyone should have this problem, I know, but here goes...
I've had my first R9s for about 8 months. It has less than 200 rds through it and it is 'as new" except I had Eric switch the blue grips to black. It is in the 2XX serial number range.

I now have the new one, and it is in unfired condition, dead new, with
black grips and a 5XX serial number. Which one should I relegate to the Safe Queen status? My guess is the lower S/N, but I need the advice of someone who's been collecting a long time.


Rohrbaugh's Rock!

*I have actually purchased 4 of them and sold two!
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Offline dr16

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2005, 06:20:02 PM »
Guilty as charged.

Everyone needs a brace of everything.......don't they?  ;)

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2005, 06:38:19 PM »
If one is good, two is better.

Offline XT_Fearless

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2005, 06:46:33 PM »
I must be going crazy havent gotten my first yet but already ordered holsters ammo  ;D ;D After reading this i might order 3-4 more R9s  ;D


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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2005, 08:01:43 PM »
Ordering holsters right after ordering gun is a good idea !  Wish more guys would think of it...


Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2005, 08:46:02 PM »
Guilty - as charged!!! ;D

My original was one of the very first - about same time as Jody got his.  IIRC May last year.

I used that to do some ammo testing - as part of the break-in phase.  I expect now that gun has had no more than 300 rounds thru.  It has already a new recoil spring fitted and is the proud resisdent of a special corner in the safe.  It comes out now and again - knowing as I do how jealous gets when not fondled enough.  It also sulks because all its companions are bigger!!!

I guess around June/July I made the decision to order #2 - in order to let #1 go into ''easy'' mode and - because I was not carrying #1 without being fearful of cosmetic damage - none has occurred.  #2 came I guess about last October.

That said - I have no wish to ''spoil'' the good looks of #2 but - that I am happy to use for carry with no qualms.  That one is barely broke in - enough to prove and free up - not much more.  That now just gets a coupla mags thru for practice and test every so often. ... oh, and ''demo's;;!!! ;) :D
Chris - R9S
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Offline Richard S

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #9 on: May 13, 2005, 08:46:56 PM »

Does that mean that you are accepting new orders again?  If so, I shall soon be in touch by returning the prototype of the new design and ordering a monorammed version.

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Offline TW

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Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2005, 09:43:12 PM »

Does that mean that you are accepting new orders again?  If so, I shall soon be in touch by returning the prototype of the new design and ordering a monorammed version.


>>He's got you there, RJ...!...and I hope the answer to Richards question is "YES"...!  Thinking about all these new R9s floating about without proper Hedley a very, very sad thought...TW<<

Offline Stook

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2005, 01:30:06 AM »
Of course, 2 is better.  I couldn't bear to separate siblings, so mine both came at the same time (R69x and R69x+1).  From the sound of things, Chris, they may be brothers to your #2, since they were ordered and arrived in the same time frames as your #2.  Let me know if there is a family reunion.


Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2005, 01:51:22 AM »
Stook - my S/N's run 32x for #1 and then #2 is R30x.

Sounds like you have consecutives - which is nice!!

I do think tho that in the ''early days'' there was a degree of randomness - over what went out.  I am tho happy to have early pups -  and know that #1 was IIRC one of only 40 + some that hit the market originally.  Silver frame, blue grips, ''Farmingdale'' and R9S.

One day - these early pups will be all but rarities tho - I am not keeping #1 as a speculative deal.  Just ''being nice''!! :D
Chris - R9S
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Offline jarcher

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2005, 03:55:16 AM »
I guess I'll be the first to buck the trend.  I do enjoy collecting pistols and I have a few from WWII and some other unusual pieces that sit in the safe.  However, I never thought of the R9 as a collectable.  

To me, this is a tool.  A very attractive and artful tool to be sure, but a tool none the less.  I just want one of them and I want it in my pocket.  I also am much less concerned about how well it looks and very concerned about how well it works.

Regarding which one to collect and which to carry, I would suggest that the one made most recently should be the carry gun.  From talking with Karl and others at Rohrbaugh, I learned that they tweak the production guns from time to time making little changes in how the pistols are made to correct problems as they are discovered.  The later guns have the more recent tweaks and, to me, this is more important.  

Whatever one says about these guns reliability, it has to be admitted that they are at least a bit fussy.  Ammo fussy and grip fussy.  If the newer guns have tweaks to help reduce the fussyness, then that's the one to have in your pocket.

This is not to say I don't see why others would want to collect these.  It's just not for me.

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Re: Who here owns more than one R9 (or plans to)..
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2005, 03:03:51 PM »
I plan to buy a second one.......for my wife  ;)