Author Topic: Gun Tests pans R9s  (Read 36478 times)

Offline Patent_Works

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2004, 05:54:59 PM »
I am aware of other instances when Gun Tests panned a product, and the manufacturer contemplated suing them because they were incompetent to operate it properly.

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2004, 06:12:27 PM »
[size=13] I had my first experience firing the Rohrbaugh today, and it was very positive.[/size]

Glad to hear that Shelby.  And I'd say you are being honest about your appraisal as we all try to be.  And equally if you found fault or a dislike you'd mention it I am sure.

Bandit .........

I know it seem sometimes like we are singing praises and nothing else .... but for most part the majority here as owners do not find major fault.  Why?  because we (all our opinions, no more) seem to reflect the quality of the piece and its engineering.  I for one am not about to s**tcan something just because I feel something bad has to be said to balance the good! :D

Thus - there is a natural inclination to spring to the defence of what we find good - simply because we have not seen those bad points mentioned by just one other.  Who is - naturally, entitled to his/her opinion ... but it more concerning when that opinion hits the news stands!!

I can if I try ''find fault'' .. tho fault is way too strong a term .... let's just say ''minor nit-picks''!

I would prefer a different color grip.  I would prefer takedown to be a tad easier (but heck - not much practice needed fpr that) .... maybe too I'd like malfunction clearance to be an easier process too - but then unless ammo is crap it seems pretty unlikely with what most of us have found.

I could really go overboard and say ' shucks - it's just too damn small'' ;D  But of course it's small - because it is a pocket piece - and 9mm at that.

I would still agree it is for sure one pricey mother ..... but - perspective needed here.  It has been in development a long time - it is state of art re its engineering and ... Rohrbaugh has invested heavily (dread to think - insert figure here $xxxxxxx) ... and so has to recoup outlay.  Quality does come at a price and we need to remember costs of some 1911 variants .. where $1,500 to $2,000 is far from out of the ordinary.

OK - the rambler rambles again ::) :P .. but I'll just repeat .. I will always defend what I consider good .. and tho never been a salesman ... would find this an easy gun to promote - simply because I would need no BS to do that selling .... I'd simply extol virtues - as I see them and let a potential customer make up their own mind.  
Chris - R9S
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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2004, 06:22:35 PM »
so i guess we're all in agreement then that ANY criticism of the R9 is always per se invalid, that to question any aspect of its design is HERESY, and that anybody who disagrees is not enlightened as us!
now let's get back to our mantra...."Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!  Hare, Hare......"
I understand the Kahr products have had issues, but the Kahr forum members do not consider it taboo to discuss the cons as well as the pros (and hopefully how to rectify or improve the cons).

Show me ANYWHERE on this board where someone was told it is taboo to discuss anything negative about the Rohrbaugh pistols.   The gist of the comments have been that actual owners have not reported the problems listed in the Gun Tests review.

It is difficult for me to spend $950, however, for a gun I cannot see and hold.

Then don't buy one.  Wait until the supply meets demand and you can find them in stores, so you can see/hold it.

I'd also still be interested to hear about the "clearing a jam" question I posed earlier.  Thanks.

I do not have my R9 as of yet, so cannot speak directly from experience - however, I doubt it would be any different from similar issues that other small pocket pistols have.  The Kel-Tec P-3AT does not have a slide lock, either.   I've practiced (with dummy rounds, of course), dropping the magazine, racking the slide, making a "flipping" motion with my wrist to try to eject rounds, then reinsert mag, tap/rack/bang.  Naturally, if things get really jammed up, it's not easy (but it isn't with a larger sized pistol, either).
--Frank C. (FJC)

Offline GeorgeH

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2004, 07:34:19 PM »
I love Kahrs. I own only one, but I've most likely shot every steel model producted, but only one of the plastic versions--the P9.

But the Rohrbaugh blew my socks off. It is by far the finest handgun that I have ever owned.

I got 2 mag's with my Rohrbaugh. I had no FTF or stovepipes with mine. I found field stripping easy, but reassembly a pain.

Overall, my opinion is different that Gun Test. But I do like the puiblication and I use to subscribe to it.

Offline Brenden

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2004, 07:39:44 PM »
Gun Tests,I have subscribed then gave it up-2-3 times now..

Just did the "free" issue thing cause I heard they were going to do a Story on the R9..

They have billed me twice before I have received the free issue!! :o

All the mags have a bias one way or another on their reviews IMO..
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Molon Labe

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2004, 08:36:29 PM »
I would be the first to critcize my new R9s if I had seen any problems. I have only fired 200 rounds of PMC and Gold Dot (100 each) through it but NO bobbles, no keyholes, no nothing but BANG.  And reasonably accurate  BANG at that. I really am having trouble with  Gun Tests' credibility when they state a  major flaw with the R9S is that it comes with only one magazine. Well, a major flaw with their evaluation is that they are simply wrong on that point. Additionally, their article left me with the impression that the R9S is not significantly smaller than the Kahr.....HUH!!!!  Maybe to them it isn' me it sure as hell is.  Anyway, it seems to me most of the criticism I have heard of the R9S so far slide lock, inability to quickly reload, small sights.....ignores what the purpose, the very reason for this gun is...a back up that is significantly more powerful than other guns of its size....hell, if I want a slide lock, big sights, target accuracy, etc I"LL TAKE MY SIGS, P99, BHP, Glock 17, etc etc.   Any of those guns are better for general carry purposes than either the Rohrbaugh or kahr...but you know what...only my Rohrbaugh can go places the others cant...thats why I love it so far !    Its like criticising a sports car because it doesnt have a big trunk make some concessions if you want what a sports car offers..otherwise, consider an SUV...peace
« Last Edit: July 22, 2004, 08:45:38 PM by jimacp »

Offline Texas_Bob

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2004, 08:37:04 PM »
 ;D As I replied over at THR. I own both the PM9 and the R9s, they do "not" compete with each other, they compliment whatever I'm wearing. Lets see, one reveiwer can't stand the R9s(it keyholes), while another can hit man-sized gongs at 75yds. Seems like, "he said, she said", and the real "truth" is somewhere in the middle. To me what matters, I'll trust either pistol to protect me if I do my part. Besides, it's my $$$ and I feel that I spent it well. ;D

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2004, 11:01:09 PM »
Sorry everybody... upon further reflection and consultation with my Intellectual Property Counsel, I decided it was best to delete the verbatim transcript of the article.

For those who have read the article here or elsewhere, feel free to continue to discuss it.


Duane (DDGator)
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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2004, 11:08:27 PM »
No sweat Duane .. we've all gotten up to speed I reckon .... your board .. play safe etc...  :)
Chris - R9S
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Offline Bandit

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2004, 11:58:44 PM »
I own both the PM9 and the R9s, they do "not" compete with each other, they compliment whatever I'm wearing.

I think the above quote says it best.  After seeing the pics posted by RJ, I now understand the "actual" size difference.  It is only natural the writers found the Kahr has more range than the Rohrbaugh, just as they would find a Glock 17 has more range than both (and just as a four-inch barrel has more range than a snubbie).  In order to gain concealibility, you have to compromise some long-range accuracy, as well as some power.  Its up to individual preferences to decide what that balance should be.  But aren't we fortunate to have so many choices?

Offline Fud

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2004, 10:46:17 AM »
I subscribe to Gun Tests for the purposes of reading their reviews, which, in most cases are pretty accurate but I don't bother reading their conclusions since in most cases my opinion differs significantly from their's.

I haven't received this month's issue yet so I haven't read the article but I am looking forward to it.

DDGator, by the way ...
Sorry everybody... upon further reflection and consultation with my Intellectual Property Counsel, I decided it was best to delete the verbatim transcript of the article.

For those who have read the article here or elsewhere, feel free to continue to discuss it.

I think you would have been fine leaving the article up there as you would have been safely covered by the Congressional Fair Use Act which allows use of copyrighted works by the public for the purposes of criticism, comment, educational purposes & news reporting and is not considered an infringement of copyrights under those circumstances.

Offline Ben S

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2004, 07:35:42 PM »
Good afternoon, New here to the board,
 I have been testing and shooting the R9's for a couple of months now and reporting the results to Karl and Eric. I am a dealer in AZ (no I don't have anymore in stock sold the last one today!) regarding the comments about Gun Test magazine, I too used to subscribe just to have something for the customers to look at and hopefully buy, but over time reading their reviews convinced me the writers not only don't know how to write very well, they aren't all that knowledgeable about firearms in general! Ray Odorica(?) compares a freedom arms to a taurus and determines the taurus is superior due to the fact that it costs less (apples to oranges) and that you can use 480 rugers in it! Freedom arms only recommends you purchase a seperate cylinder for smaller cartridges, but you certainly CAN shoot them. How about the comparison between the 10mm and 44 mag N-frames? he chooses the 10mm  because it generates less recoil, well duh! How about the time they suggested you strip the ugly black paint off the FN 1949's SOG is importing (never mind it was the origional coating applied by the factory and the rifles have collector value. It was apparent to me that they are lacking in the objective comparison catagory.
 As for the querey about the R9S and reliability, without going into too much detail, the guns are extremely reliable with high grade ammo, however the cheaper practice ammo has given problems to include Blaser Brass, Winchester, wolf and military ball. The usual failure is a failure to eject wheree the ejector lets go of the case before removing it completely from the chamber. To all who wonder, this is a very difficult jam to clear as the spring is very powerful no levers (not a condemnation merely an observation) and the mags fit flush so there really isn't much to hand onto when clearing. (If this were to happen during a critical moment you are hosed! switch to your knife and make your best warface).
 Again with proper ammo it is a fantasticly reliable piece. Oh and I carry mine 24/7 (sorry J-Frame) so I do feel they got it right. But I call em like I see em' and if it ain't I'll say it.
 Nice Forum, for those of you still on the waiting list it will be worth the wait.
Ben s      

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Re: Clearing a Jam
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2004, 08:04:53 PM »
The gist of the comments have been that actual owners have not reported the problems listed in the Gun Tests review....[As to clearing a jam] I doubt it would be any different from similar issues that other small pocket pistols have.  The Kel-Tec P-3AT does not have a slide lock, either.
SIGH  ::)

To all who wonder, this is a VERY difficult jam to clear as the spring is very powerful no levers (not a condemnation merely an observation) and the mags fit flush so there really isn't much to hand onto when clearing. (If this were to happen during a critical moment you are hosed! switch to your knife and make your best warface).

THAT'S the answer no one wanted to admit to!:o  Thanks for not sugarcoating, Ben.

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #43 on: July 23, 2004, 08:46:42 PM »
Ben ... welcome!  :)

Always to good to have dealer's views - usually nice and objective.  The jam is a tricky scene ... and not something I'd relish in a tight spot.  In my testing tho I did find that yeah, the ''inferior'' ammo brands are or will be the culprits . tho actually Ben I found WWB scored well for me.

My only ''method'' for jam clearance is (and I am lucky to have quite large hands) .. once slide racked back I have a hold with right hand whereby I combine a tight as tight hold on grips and slide ..... it's not something you can do for long but - I have practiced it and find it gives me a ''window of opportunity'' with left hand to try and clear things.

BTW Ben ... don't think I saw you mention a fave ammo ... what is your EDC ammo?  I am currently in Gold Dot mode and doubt so far I will shift from that.
Chris - R9S
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Offline Jim

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Re: Gun Tests pans R9s
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2004, 02:37:59 AM »
This is my first post and perhaps a bit premature as I only ordered my R9S this past week.  I did so due to this forum and Roy Huntington's evaluation in American Handgunner.  I would clearly make the same decision even after having read the material From Gun Tests!!!!  I felt Roy's article was complete and fair.... Gun Tests article did nothing to hamper my sleepless nights until Performance Firearms of Michigan calls to say my R9S is in!!!   Have a great weekend,  Jim (in the thuumb of Mi.)
Glock 23, previous R9S owner sold due to health problems.  Just enjoy the folks on this forum!!