I would be the first to critcize my new R9s if I had seen any problems. I have only fired 200 rounds of PMC and Gold Dot (100 each) through it but NO bobbles, no keyholes, no nothing but BANG. And reasonably accurate BANG at that. I really am having trouble with Gun Tests' credibility when they state a major flaw with the R9S is that it comes with only one magazine. Well, a major flaw with their evaluation is that they are simply wrong on that point. Additionally, their article left me with the impression that the R9S is not significantly smaller than the Kahr.....HUH!!!! Maybe to them it isn't...to me it sure as hell is. Anyway, it seems to me most of the criticism I have heard of the R9S so far ....no slide lock, inability to quickly reload, small sights.....ignores what the purpose, the very reason for this gun is...a back up that is significantly more powerful than other guns of its size....hell, if I want a slide lock, big sights, target accuracy, etc I"LL TAKE MY SIGS, P99, BHP, Glock 17, etc etc. Any of those guns are better for general carry purposes than either the Rohrbaugh or kahr...but you know what...only my Rohrbaugh can go places the others cant...thats why I love it so far ! Its like criticising a sports car because it doesnt have a big trunk ....you make some concessions if you want what a sports car offers..otherwise, consider an SUV...peace