I have just received my R9 wonder gun!!! As usual my gunsmith buddie and myself took the gun apart to see how the disassembly would be, wow it was not that easy,,,Anyhow he got an idea and after about an hour of fooling around made a great tool for this gun, out of aluminum block? and Brass rods.....it consisted of the following.
1-Brass rod to keep the slide open. (cut too exact dimension)
2-Brass punch to push and replace the take down pin with.
3-Tool for keeping the spring assembly captured, for easy removal of barrel while spring is still captured.
All in all this little (gizmo) has helped me to disassemble this wonder (9mm) a lot easier.
If you have any interest email me and I will give you his information.
I cannot post a picture because he does not want to have it copied!!