I emailed Eric this afternoon inquiring who I could buy from in Houston, and asked him about availability and things like that.
He not only took the time to write me back, but also said that I should just use my own FFL dealer down here and have them contact him to work something out.
He THEN followed up tonight at 11:30 CST-12:30 AM HIS TIME-and let me know he'd just composed a letter that took 15-minutes to compose and that his computer screwed up and he lost the letter. He's dog-tired and STILL went through this to help some guy out in Houston, Texas.
It's this kind of effort that makes it well worth spending hard-earned dollars for such a premium product and company!! His customer-service work ethic is 2nd to none, and I just can't tell you how happy I am to be associated-even in a very small way-with Rohrbaugh Firearms moving forward.
I sincerely hope they make a TON of money, and I'm sure they will.....great product with even greater service to their customers will ensure terrific success for them.
Way to go, Eric...2 thumbs up, pardner!