Author Topic: the expensive rohrbaugh  (Read 14722 times)


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the expensive rohrbaugh
« on: January 01, 2005, 05:20:09 PM »
before i would pay 900 dolars for one of these things i can buy a keltec p11 and plenty of ammo and get better results at the shooting range.who cares if its hand fitted and a better finished handgun.its a carry gun not a pretty boy toy.keltec p11 for little over 200 dollars works every time and i dont care if it gets scratched up.for 20 dollars i can send it back and get a chrome slide.can you do that with the rohrbaugh.are there customer service that good.i can get parts within 2 days if i need it.can rohrbaugh do that.shot over 3000 rounds thru mine of different ammo without a jam.thats a perfect handgun for a working class man to afford.who wants to carry something that your affraid to bang up.i dont want that.i do want something that works good quality you can count on and not much bigger than the rouhrbaugh but more rounds.keltec got that finicky thing beat every day of the week

Offline K-Man

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2005, 05:53:23 PM »
Well, one of a couple of things are about to happen in response to your statements.  You either are going to get flamed beyond belief or folks are going to ignore you.  

If you read through the various posts throughout this forum you'll find a number of discussions about your comments.  The folks who own the Rohrbaugh gun have a different perspective than you do.  That doesn't mean you should not or cannot post what your perspective is.  You'll find that the moderator of this forum is pretty liberal in that respect and has allowed a number of folks to post comments that they may not have been allowed to elsewhere.

Questions about the Rohrbaugh gun are welcome and encouraged.  Good luck to you in learning about the R9/S.

U.S. Navy (Retired)

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2005, 06:05:38 PM »
you know what f*** your expensive pretty boy toy.hope you can take it apart as fast as you can run your mouth about expensive punching pins out gun you call quality damn this crap of a so called pocket junk

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2005, 06:13:11 PM »
Well, that certainly was an interesting response.

The folks who have the gun are more than willing to answer your questions.  But apparently you already have your mind set as to what the gun is and how it differs from a Kel-Tec or any other gun for that matter.  It is substantially different.  Price is but one consideration.  Heck, I just spent the same amount of money ($900) on a Kimber 1911.  It was something that I wanted and money was not the issue.  Do I own a Rohrbaugh?  No.  Will I own a Rohrbaugh?  I don't know.  

I'm certainly not going to ask you to change your point of view, especially since I don't know where or how you acquired that point of view towards the Rohrbaugh gun.  

Perhaps the greater amount of information you receive from the folks here will change your perspective as to the gun and how it works and how it differs from other guns.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 06:27:51 PM by K-Man »

U.S. Navy (Retired)

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2005, 06:34:12 PM »
you know what f*** your expensive pretty boy toy.hope you can take it apart as fast as you can run your mouth about expensive punching pins out gun you call quality damn this crap of a so called pocket junk
Just because you can't afford one of these quality guns is no reason to flame those that can.

I was short on cash as well but I sold two of my other guns in order to be able to buy a R9S because I need a gun in a serious caliber when I'm "not carrying".

And if you're going to respond to this, you can start by telling us the dimensions of the smallest Kel-Tec 9mm in comparisons to the R9.

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2005, 06:58:22 PM »
Never mind. I found the info myself ...

P-11 length = 5.6 VS 5.2 for the R9
P-11 height = 4.3 VS 3.7 for the R9
P-11 width = 1 VS 0.812 for the R9

... the P-11 may be small but the R9 is smaller and I can carry it under circumstances that would not allow me to carry something the size of a P-11. Plus, if this ...

Posted by BlkHawk73: Father in law bought a Kel tec P11 a month or so ago. First trip to range it was shooting all over the place. Figured it was just him since he's used to larger sized pistols (1911, etc). Took it out for a second time yesterday. First shot and the #$@!%* thing locked up tight. Slide won't retract...nothing. it's locked!  personally, it isn't something I'd ever own anyways, but this confirmed it and it'll now never be a model I'll purchase. Yeah, it's only one out of who knows how many of them made. Surely some are good but I'll pass on this model. Prior to shooting it, we had both worked the action/slide and everything seemed ok. Was cleaned too. One shot was all it took. Gun has a total of 81 rounds though it!  guess what I always say is shown get what you pay for.

Posted by TheFederalistWeasel: I watched a guy at a local indoor gun range shoot some type of Kel-Tec he had just bought at the range, from 7 yards his groups looked like shotgun blasts from 50 feet. He must of put 50 rounds thru it, took it up front to the range guy/sales clerk then both come back. Range guy fires a few rounds at a new target same distance, same results. Both share some words about the quality of the gun, evidentially the range guy recommended it to the buyer, buyer was not happy. The guns are cheap, you get what you pay for.

... is how accurate and reliable, I wouldn't want to carry it even if you gave me a P-11 for free!


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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2005, 08:14:18 PM »
For the life of me, I can't understand why a guy would take the trouble to join a Forum just to be disruptive.  I hope Mr. "kel tec"  is not around much longer.

Now, I'm sure he will finish making a FOOL of himself, in response to this post.

Fire away, With post #3..........maybe your last.. ::)


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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2005, 08:28:14 PM »
WHY would someone bother to register and join an online community just to post a poorly written opinion that lacks any experiential support what-so-ever? If he has had great experience with his own Kel-Tec then hooray for him - does anyone here begrudge him his choice of carry?

Without any experience of handling or shooting the R9's he believes that they are finicky, easily scratched, and suffer from poor accuracy. Huh??? I, for one, have no experience with Kel-Tec's and wouldn't flame that gun, or any gun, without first-hand experience. Sounds like he's just got a bad case of p-en-istol envy!
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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2005, 08:38:34 PM »
oh by the way who wants to buy my piece of shit rohrbaugh .450.oo dollars you can have it so i can by a glock 26.oh buy the way the person who says they can conceal the rohrbaugh better than the keltec.either lose some weight or buy bigger pants


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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2005, 08:40:47 PM »
for the person who says keltec wont be around much longer.just hold your breath until he will die ten times over before he falls under.what a joke

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2005, 08:50:22 PM »
oh by the way who wants to buy my piece of shit rohrbaugh .450.oo dollars you can have it ...
Photo! Photo!! Photo showing serial number.

How many rounds do you have through it?

If you haven't been firing +P's through it, I'll buy it for $450. Of course, if you were, you might not admit it.

But give me details and after I talk to Eric, you MIGHT be getting your Glock soon.

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2005, 08:53:49 PM »
There are some folks who own the R9 gun who have not been happy with it, so you're not the first.  You mentioned wanting to buy a Glock - I've had one or two and have not been happy with them.  That doesn't necessarily make it a bad gun - it just didn't work for me.  Perhaps if you're interested in finding out from other owners how to resolve what, if any, issues you're experiencing with your R9, then that's what this forum is about.  If you're frustrated with the gun and want to express that, as I mentioned earlier, that's fine, too.  It's a gun new to the market in general and people are still learning how to make it work.  In addition to the Rohrbaugh brothers, I think you'll find some of the most knowledgeable people about the gun here on this forum.  If you're serious about wanting to sell the gun for $450, then I suspect it won't take long to sell it here, as production and delivery is quite a lengthy wait currently.

U.S. Navy (Retired)

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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2005, 08:57:09 PM »
shoot plus p thru my keltec all the time with no problem if interested leave your e mail and you van have this over rated gun delivered to your house with a ffl.


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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2005, 09:15:39 PM »
..."for the person who says keltec wont be around much longer" keltec

I was refering to YOU, with the user name "keltec"

.........the last from me on this thread .
« Last Edit: January 01, 2005, 09:19:32 PM by RHEDLEY »


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Re: the expensive rohrbaugh
« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2005, 09:39:57 PM »

Like I said you get What you Pay for, and this pertains to People also, You are what you are, So Stick with you Door stop and save your pennies and some day you can buy the Door.

Better to Keep your Mouth Shut and be thought a Fool then to open it and remove all doubt. ;D