I know one thing Incursion . Eric will always it seems try and do anything to ensure you are seen right. It is a pity to see anyone here with an R9 problem ... when for the most part we are all happy campers. I shall be hoping you have good results from your replacement.. as will you - of course!
There are still now and again, real minor things that slip thru - I'd almost expect that with a new production gun, even with all the R&D that they have done. I regard myself as somewhat of a ''field agent'' cum ''testbed'' .... obviously I want no probs but - feel able to accept them when things are put right ... this is why I am so supportive of the Bros Rohrbaugh.
Having been in engineering I perhaps understand better the nuances of development and fine tuning . I did much prototyping in years gone by - and sometimes it seems that development never really reaches finality! Always something else to make the item that bit better.
I am hopeful of getting my #2 R9 in the next coupla weeks or so .. which means I can all but ''retire'' my trusty #1.