Hey guys, I don't post all that much as I am very busy, but I have been following this thread for awhile. Incursion, your r9s failures echo my first guns performance almost to a tee, FTE's were the name of the game. That gun (a very early one)was sent back to Eric and promptly destroyed, upon recieving my second test gun (my test gun, I pay for them out of my pocket) I proceeded to test it and following Eric and Karls advice on using superlube. (The two of them were convinced I never lubed gun #1 but in reality I was using CLP and EEZOX neither of which is a grease, but this was way before there was ever an issue which I'm sure is partially due to my returned gun!) Anyway, the second gun continued the lousy performance of the first right up to the 440 round mark, since then I have caught brass in the head and had a few (six) Failure to Eject the last case but only with military ball ammo. The gun is now on round 820 and seems to gobble up anything I put in it (except the military ball) I haven't gotten back to Eric in awhile but if your reading this (I know you do sometimes) I will send more details soon.
I guess the reason for this lenghty letter is to let you know you are not the only one who has had difficulties, and if you think the services is good and the gun has merit than keep trying till you get it all worked out. after all it IS just a machine (no matter what some enthusiasts think

and is apt to fail. Hell I've had J-frames lock up and officer models eat themselves! If your looking for a truly portable lightweight weapon of tremendous devistating affect that doesn't jam break or leave you hanging in close social events I suggest a Cold Steel SRK!