Hey Dave, congrats on your new pistol. You're right, the trigger is absolutely completely as different as can be from the P7M8. Gosh, what if Rohrbaugh made a tiny squeeze-cocker at their new digs.....
Heckler and Rohrbaugh! Not gonna happen, I know, but we can dream, can't we? On the other hand, it would be more complex to clean, and try to get satisfaction from H&K quickly and easily like we can from our favorite brothers. Oh well.
Draw from a pocket holster is different too. With the holster you have, the best way I've found to draw is to start the R9 out of the holster by pushing the leather away from the pistol with your thumb. Then the pistol can be drawn without
having the leather exit your pocket. It helps to have your hand already in the pocket and on the piece in preparation, something that can be done without looking strange with a pocket holster.
The leather strip RJ included with my holster was to gently stretch the leather until there's a satisfying compromise between retention and retraction, somthing that's worth spending a bit of time on, not getting the fit too loose nor too tight. Hope you enjoy your new piece, it's a great little pistol, but then with a P7M8 you already know all about great little pistols.