I'd read where "others" had a FTE with strong two hand shooting or just one hand (strong side) shooting and I never could get mine to jam until last Monday night. It occured to me that I idpa "every week"(48 out of 52) on an indoor range. So most, 90%, of my shooting is done "under the clock." I've always practiced with my BUG just weak hand only, from low ready(buzz), point and fire. Although they say not to have a "death grip" on you pistol, when the buzzer goes off you will grip hard and shoot fast. With this in mine, I aimed carefully at a target and slow....ly squessed off a round like I was going to fire a "target pistol." NOW, I too, can say I've had a FTE. Going back to a "timer", no problems weak or strong hand only. I wonder if competition doesn't change how many people hold a pistol and how fast they are to employ it once a "point sight" picture is present at close range. Just my 2cents worth.