I was looking at the Speer Gold Dots at the Saturday morning meeting of the "Regulars" at my local FFL's shop this weekend, but I did not buy them. After a flurry of activity at the range after taking delivery of my new "toy," I have had to leave it in the gun safe while its grips are reproduced in sterling silver. I know it is a conceit, but I am indulging myself in my old age -- for the same reasons I have asked you to stamp my initials into each one of the elegant holsters you have crafted for me, including that beauty which you made for my R9s.
I'll go back next weekend and load up on the Gold Dots. Then, when I have some grips back on the Rohrbaugh, I shall test them against the Golden Sabers, the RBCDs, the Glasers, and the Silver Tips.