Folks, not to be a smart a$$, but the 9mm is far superior to the .380 in every regard and the R9’s give you the opportunity to have 9mm punch in a .380 package. The R9S I have is less noticeable in recoil than my P3AT and of similar size. Never fired a Seecamp so cannot speak smartly on it. But, I am a career solder and have fired thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammo from everything imaginable. I carry a P3AT when running but otherwise, as of today (fired my R9S for the first time) will carry my R9S for every other purpose. Don’t be worried about “felt recoil.” By the time you feel the recoil, the round has left the chamber, and if you prepared properly, will be on target. Even the ladies can learn to deal with that, it’s that first instinctual point and shoot that will save lives, recoil is just an afterthought. For the ballistics and life saving potential of the 9mm vs. the .380, the choice is easy. We don’t conceal carry because it is cool, we do so because we may potentially have to save our life or that of a loved one. Choose wisely. If Rohrbaugh made the same size gun in .45, I’d carry it and not worry about the recoil. Just my $.02 for what it’s worth.