Author Topic: Grip screw wil not come out......  (Read 54350 times)

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2015, 09:43:12 AM »
i've not heard this before, thanks for sharing.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2015, 03:36:58 PM »
No problem Marc. . . . My pleasure and more to follow as time progresses.    8)
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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2015, 09:41:50 PM »
Some soldering irons (pen style) have a set screw that holds the tip to the iron...Replace the tip with a short 1/16 allen wrench piece about 1/2in in length. Heat up the iron with the allen wrench tip installed in the iron. When fully hot insert into the allen screw and then apply torque on the grip screw and when the Loctite gets to the right temp the screw will just unthread..less chance for overheating the screw and melting the grip unnecessarily.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2015, 10:06:33 PM »

That idea sounds like the ultimate refinement on the solder iron/loctite solution. Whichever method one uses to loosen the screws my suggestion is to not use loctite again and check the screws' tightness after range trips or on an occasional basis. I suspect that the factory had to use loctite because of a potential liability problem with loose grips and a possible firing malfunction. Eric may wish to comment on this issue.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2015, 03:51:23 AM »
Frankly tracker, you hit it on the head, to a degree anyway. Without Loctite in place, even after one magazine worth of ammunition through the pistol, those grip screws will begin to loosen somewhat. Put two magazines worth of ammunition through it and they can loosen even more. After several magazines without checking the tightness of the grip screws and they can give you the problem of a dislodged trigger sear bar. Now, keeping in mind that the specific use of this weapon was intended from its inception as a deep concealment, last ditch effort self-protection firearm, it is very unlikely that you would realistically ever be using it for more than a few shoots at best in a situation anyway. By then, the threat would have most likely been resolved to a point where having a full blown arsenal at your bid and call is unwarranted and not necessary. Also, the grip screws will stay in place even without Loctite or something like it for the duration of your encounter anyway.

With that bit of information on the design thought of the R9 now in your possession, yes, that is the reason for the Loctite on the grip screws as most, not all, but most people would simply continue to shoot the gun without checking the tightness of them. Truly one of the Achilles heals of the weapon. However, with tightened screws and carried in a proper holster, it will certainly function without issue for its intended average 2.3 rounds shot during a confrontation. Knowing that you have three times that average with a total of 6 or 7 rounds at your beck and call, depending on how you personally carry the gun, it is more than sufficient for its role as a defensive sidearm in a low risk carry mode.

Now to address the Allen key affixed as the tip of a soldering gun. Although an interesting idea, I prefer the one we used at the shop as instructed by the Loctite service representative I spoke with a few years back about the situation. After you place a straight tipped soldering gun in the recess of the screw for 10 – 15 seconds, the screw gets to around the 300 degree temperature required to melt the glue back into a liquid state. Putting down the soldering gun, placing a fresh Allen key into the screw and undoing the screw while the Loctite has not had time to reset seems safer than “playing around” with a hot tipped Allen key that continues to get hotter and hotter while trying to unscrew the grip screw. I would not look to improve a fix that already is proven to work just fine as originally stated by the manufacturer, that being the Loctite company techs.

Well guys and gals, with all of that said. . . . . I rest my case for KISS. . . . Keep It Simple Silly. Don’t fix what isn’t broke. You’re thinking too hard now. Lol. If you insist on trying the new ides, by all means . . . . . Have fun experimenting with it. Not me though. I’ll just stay with what I know works just fine.   ;-) 
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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2015, 11:12:25 AM »

Thanks, Eric; I agree with the K.I.S.S. principle and it makes a lot of sense here. Your method worked for me and I am always leery of experimenting with something else.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2015, 11:33:59 AM »
ha ha. . . . I wasn't my method tracker, it was Loctite's method.   ;)
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2015, 01:09:37 PM »
 It is interesting that Loctite developed a technique to address and counter the effectiveness of their own product.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2015, 05:16:24 PM »
Well, it is nice to have a way to remove screws that have Loctite on them without damaging the parts. They seem to know what they are doing, thank goodness they shared that little trick with us out here in the field.  ;)
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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #24 on: March 30, 2015, 06:12:36 PM »

I agree, Eric; it was a very helpful tip and much appreciated.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #25 on: March 30, 2015, 08:50:15 PM »
My experience over the years is that, having had to replace a frame due to a locked and unremovable screw (by the factory in fact) is that it is simply better to avoid Locktite and after each range trip just tighten the dang screws when you clean the pistol.  At that time you can remove the screws and sponge the oil out of the screw holes with a pipe cleaner every so often.  I have and use the Yankee O-rings, but have not been impressed that they do much to prevent the grip screws from coming loose.  Just tighten the screws after each range trip and carry with confidence.
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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2015, 08:59:22 PM »
I use Loctite to secure the screws on the door knobs of my cabin at Critter Creek - never on any screw for one of my firearms. O-rings ... God bless them.
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2017, 12:59:53 PM »
I am reviving this old thread for a purpose.

I have changed grips on 3 or 4 R9's through the years and about 1/3 of the screws would come out with just the wrench.  The others I used a soldering gun as a owned one of those and did not have a soldering iron.

Last week I was re-gripping a R9 and on two of the screws no matter how long I held the soldering gun on them, they would not budge.  Not wanting to strip the screws, I ordered an $11.00 soldering iron.  About 20 or 30 seconds of heat and the screws came out as the loctite had turned to "melted butter".

I have never loctited any screws back in but now I would not be afraid to with the low strength stuff.

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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2017, 04:13:28 PM »
Thanks MRC.  I still go with my old post that echo's ECR's longer advice posting, i.e.: as this is not a range gun, simply clean the weapon and tighten the screws carefully after each range trip.  Mine are invariably loose after I shoot, but forewarned is forarmed.  Loctite is still a disaster waiting an opportunity IMO.  I have heard that some people use clear nail polish to non-permanently lock the screws in place, at least for a while.  I would still not trust that enough to not check the screws after each range trip on a carry piece.
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
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Re: Grip screw wil not come out......
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2017, 07:03:25 PM »
I had more problems with too tight rather than too loose. The soldering iron solved the issue but I installed the O-rings and skipped the Loctite. Having the proper tool, like a Hudy screwdriver, will also give one less stress.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2017, 07:35:03 PM by tracker »