Thought I'd start a new thread for this.
Re the discussion on the
Recoil Spring I thought I'd take a pic to provide you guys with more info ....
Ref this image ..... I have shown the main spring with cup ... no more need be said on that one. But there is some doubt as to how the inner 2º spring might be removed.
Well .... subject to a full heads up from Eric, here is the construction. Note, on the right, the disk which bears on barrel lug - has a threaded spigot .... which appears to engage on a threaded portion of the inner spring guide rod. The spigot is perhaps 1/4 inch long and I have arrowed the start of that where it meeets the guide rod plain section.
At far left is the end we see in the assemble gun ... and that is the end of the inner guide rod. The mainspring guide is bored out to accept the inner spring guide rod and itself has of course got a stop collar for the main spring.
I can see that the disk or inner spring retaining disk would have to me unscrewed from the inner spring guide rod - to facilitate removal of same ..... now this is where we need more info. I'd strongly suspect that the thread is Loctited and ... in order to undo this you would need suiable tools ... and soft vice jaws no doubt. Probably, you would hold the front end of inner guide rod in soft jaws and ... by dint of some strap wrench perhaps ... unscrew the disk to free off the inner spring .... conjecture right now.
Hopefully we can add this info once aquired.
Hope the pic helps just a bit - hard to show everything with equal clarity.
NOTE - I have edited this pic to include a warning re the correct orientation of the main spring in the total assembly ..... Texas_Bob posted that he had gotten his other way about - which led to a slide jam.
So .. all those not sure .. check this pic above.