Author Topic: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9  (Read 93308 times)

Offline Jack Foulard

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2008, 12:12:15 PM »
Thanks for chiming in.

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2008, 04:39:31 PM »
I'm the last one who should be offering advice; the last time I took my pup apart, I could not get it back together and had to send it back to Karl!!!  I'm about to attempt this again... so wish me luck!

Regarding the CPVC tool pictured and described in this thread.  I first tried to follow the instructions as given.  I made a 3/8" insert of pipe for the adapter and pushed it into the coupling.  Unfortunately, for my specimen, the pipe piece needed to be longer; maybe 1/2".  And I could not get the 3/8th piece out.

Thankfully, when buying my parts, I had added a CPVD Bushing size 3/4 x 1/2 (Nibco part 4718) to my basket.  I subsequently found that this works fine all by itself as I just use it to help push the slide back far enough to insert the "action jammer" (which for me is plastic pop-tab opener; note that anything will work so long as it's the right thickness).  It is the jammer that fixes the slide back the appropriate distance for removal of the pin.

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Offline JHawk

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2008, 02:47:46 PM »
Looking at this thread and the comments, I decided to try and order the Hedley takedown tool and the Bedair compression tool and barrel pin removal tool.  Learned long ago that the proper tools save time and frustration.  Anyway, it seems the Hedley tool is now mfg. by IDM and not in stock and the site does not show any of these tools.  Hmmm..... saw the threads on the patent comments.  Anyway, can these be purchased?  If so where and if not what are the alternatives.  The takedown instructions with my R9s show using the good old channel-lock pliers to put the guide rod assembly back together.  Is this necessary?  I know how to take down a 1911 with a full length guide rod and never needed a pair of pliers.  Coaching appreciated prior to my first disassembly.  

Offline dawkind

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2008, 04:20:48 PM »
I would use Channel Locks ONLY if I had some of those 4" needle-nosed mini units and either ground the 'teeth' smooth and/or covered them with leather or something so as not to mar anything.

I was fortunate enough to pick up a Hedley/IDM take-down tool and they are money well spent to make the cleaning process basically fool-proof and 'damage free', ie., flying springs and such.  ;)
« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 02:15:30 PM by Dawkind »
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Offline MrsFosforos

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #19 on: August 08, 2008, 07:15:25 PM »
I read somewhere on this forum, how someone used the handle of a toothbrush to make the stopstick and drilled out 5/32 hole toward the end to make a similar takedown tool.

Here's one of RJ's posts (to demonstrate how that end should work to hold the spring together):

My solution

Reading about the re-assembly had me so intimidated, I didn't know what to expect the first time around!

I was lucky enough to get one of the last brass RJ tools from IDM stock, but if I didn't have it -- I would try to drill out a toothbrush handle before I tried to use vice grips. They are just so bulky and the design of this tool is PERFECT for this part of the reassembly.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 01:26:05 PM by MrsFosforos »

Offline JHawk

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2008, 09:52:51 AM »
MrsFosforos, Thanks for the toothbrush reference.  I will do a search on the site for this stopstick.  Now you all have me curious.  I realize that there is not a huge market for these takedown tools but after spending a couple of hours yesterday I found that IDM did not have a tool in stock and that Bedair had no reference to any Rohrbaugh tools on his site.  So, I will make due in the meantime.  Heading to the hardware store for the PVC pipe and upstairs for a toothbrush ( hey my son does not need to brush this morning )  Also a thanks to RJ for sending a note to Bryce at IDM regarding the tool.

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2008, 12:55:42 PM »
Regina, good advice.  Tom
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Offline JHawk

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2008, 01:12:00 PM »
MrsFosforos, Thanks for the toothbrush reference.  I will do a search on the site for this stopstick.  Now you all have me curious.  I realize that there is not a huge market for these takedown tools but after spending a couple of hours yesterday I found that IDM did not have a tool in stock and that Bedair had no reference to any Rohrbaugh tools on his site.  So, I will make due in the meantime.  Heading to the hardware store for the PVC pipe and upstairs for a toothbrush ( hey my son does not need to brush this morning )  Also a thanks to RJ for sending a note to Bryce at IDM regarding the tool.

Obtained the CVPC components at the hardware store yesterday and made the compression tool.  Very easy.  Also received a note back from RJ and Bryce at IDM that the takedown tool was back in stock.  I ordered this online from IDM yesterday.  I appreciate the value of the fourm and all the "coaching" from various members.  Looking forward to contributing in the future.  

Offline JHawk

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2008, 08:04:41 PM »
I ordered the brass take down tool from Bryce at IDM over the weekend and it arrived today.  Great tool and excellent customer service.  Glad to have it in my R9 tool kit.  He still has them in stock so now is the time to order if you do not have one.  Thanks Bryce & RJ!

Offline JHawk

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2008, 10:10:45 AM »
My first takedown, clean and reassembly was straight forward.  I followed the advice and had researched the tools recommended at the start of this post.  As an update for those who will be reading this for future reference, I could not find any tools listed on the Bedair web site.  However, to simplify the process let me make the following recommendation.  

I used four tools - first was the CVPC compression tool - simply the 3/4 x1/2 " reducing coupling.  You don't need to cut and add the additional 1/2" CVPC pipe into the end of the coupling.  The coupling can stand alone and the picture in the first post here shows it clearly.  I picked this up at Home Depot.  Second, was the Heldey/IDM brass takedown tool.  Yeah, you could do the process without this but it would be cumbersome.  A punch was used for removal of the pin ( third tool ) and a Brownells magna tip screwdriver is tool number four tool with the appropriate hex tip for the grip screws.  I removed both grips and needed to gently use the edge of a credit card to get them loose enough to lift off.  You do need to be careful on the right side grip as the trigger assembly will come loose.  But don't panic if it does as the diagram on the Disassembly and Lubrication Instructions that came with my pup clearly shows how the three pieces should be reassembled.   Hope this helps.  


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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #25 on: June 03, 2011, 12:45:47 AM »
Yeah, the info is not on his site because somebody's lawyer sent him a letter demanding that he remove the info, which by the way, was very helpful and free. Claimed it infringed. Here is the last message that used to be posted on Steve's site where the great info used to be posted before it disappeared:

 Sorry everyone but I was notified by a patent attorney that my R9 disassembly tool infringes on his clients patent.

    Quote:  "I request that you immediately cease and desist from manufacture, use, sale or offer for sale any product covered in this patent. Further, I demand removal from your website or any reference to the infringing product."

It's too bad that free useful helpful info has to be restricted. The only thing similar between those two devices was the result of their use. They are completely different animals. What would have happened it years back, someone patented the idea of cooking meat with heat before you eat it. Then there would be no fast food places today. He lawyer could send me a letter to stop showing people how to use their hands to manipulate the slide, or an old piece of pipe i had laying around, as it yields the same result of pin removal as his device. What B.S.


« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 02:11:05 AM by Joe_from_NY »

Offline Dire_Straits

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2011, 11:58:45 AM »
Just assembled my "tool kit" for my R9. I have ordered the R.J. Hedley tool from Yankee, purchased the CPVC fitting from the local hardware store for $.59  8) and purchased the following American made allen head fixed screwdriver from Brownells. This screwdriver fits the grip screws perfectly, it can be found at the following link.
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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2011, 12:49:53 PM »
Just assembled my "tool kit" for my R9. I have ordered the R.J. Hedley tool from Yankee, purchased the CPVC fitting from the local hardware store for $.59  8) and purchased the following American made allen head fixed screwdriver from Brownells. This screwdriver fits the grip screws perfectly, it can be found at the following link.

No, man- order the hexdriver from Amazon $4.91 including shipping, half the price of Brownells. I have been using it and it works great.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 03:55:36 PM by Joe_from_NY »

Offline mwbgtb

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2011, 03:03:53 PM »
Thanks to Joe_from_NY I just ordered my hexdriver from Amazion for $4.91.


Offline Reinz

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Re: Tools for Cleaning and Maintenance of the R-9
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2011, 07:18:23 PM »
I have all the allen drivers mentioned here on forum - the Bondus, Brownells, Rudy, Wiha.  And for me, I prefer the larger traditional handle type like the Brownells or Bondus.
I can just get a better grip on them than those narrow handle units.

Just my dos centavos