Some of you may have read a couple of my previous range reports were I stated that I was using a spring with now in the 400-500 rd range on it. I wanted to post a photo of the used spring on the left and the new spring on the right. The new spring is the one I put back in the gun after each range outing so it has been compressed. (I put a new spring in for carry, just to be sure) The old one has not had a single malfunction, not even a hiccup. Not sure if there is a different lot of springs from the period that my R9 was manufactured and those that are being sold new but as you can see, there is a difference in height. There is all so a felt, noticeable difference in tension. On another note, after 80 rounds, the upper right and lower left grip screws were loose. Someone on here stated that tightening the screws should be a routine part of cleaning the weapon and from my experience, I agree completely with that assessment. That’s why I always default to the judgment of the more senior members on here as they’ve probably seen it, done it , or heard it from a really reliable source. Thanks All! And keep our troops being held as prisoners in your thoughts and prayers. We must never forget!