Author Topic: Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clinic..  (Read 11503 times)

Offline TW

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Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clinic..
« on: October 23, 2004, 03:01:00 AM »
>>A while ago I half heatedly mentioned on another thread the idea of having the guys at Rohrbaugh set up some kind of a clinic where R9 owners (and wannabes) could gather to listen and see how to shoot and maintain this gun first hand by the creators...this would include demonstrations on how to properly lube the R9...!  Later that day I was talking with Eric and I mentioned the idea to him - which he was all for...!!  He even suggested a time (Saturday 30 October '04), a place (the Water & Wings Sportsmans Club in Eastern PA), and event (a shooting match between the "High Road" and the "Firing Line" clubs...where the Rohrbaugh boys were planning to set up for folks to shoot the R9).  Below are exerts from correspondence from Eric addressing the clinic idea.  If you check out the club's web site be advised that this event is not listed...but Eric assures me it is going to happen.

So what do you folks say...?  Anyone from the Northeast area feel like meeting up this coming Saturday to meet up with our favorite gun makers...?  I'm going to try to make it myself, although I have yet to run it by my better (and prettier) half.  I'm sure it will be a lot of fun...and if you are like me - you are dying to know what "surprise" Eric is talking about (Gator - no fair saying if you know!!!).  I hope to see some of you there...!...TW<<

"Yes, I did read that post on the Forum the other day (regarding having Eric set up a clinic to see and learn how to properly lube the R9 first hand). Sounds good to me! In fact, we could do that on October 30th. when the Eastern Pennsylvania Boys (The High Road and The Firing Line) get together for a shoot (at the Water & Wings Sportsmans Club). We (Rohrbaugh Firearms Corp.) will be there with a few R9 pistols for anyone to shoot who wants to try them and we can also show everyone how we service the pistol and how to correctly lube them! Any thoughts on what else to bring, let us know. We may have a surprise with us! But!....I won't tell!  (italics mine...TW)

The Pennsylvania Shoot will be held next Saturday, October 30th, 2004 at , which is just off of the Quakertown exit on 476. Its about 40minutes North of Philadelphia and 15minutes South of Allentown.  Checkout their web site for location and directions. I'll make a note to DDGator about it also."   Eric

Directions to Shoot
Take the northeast extension of the PA Turnpike

Get off at the Quakertown exit, bear to the right after going through the toll

Make a right at the second light

You are now on Geryville Pike, AKA Kings Highway

For the Public Sporting club:

Make a right on Janes Lane (about a half a mile):

9173 Janes Lane

East Greenville, PA. 18041

For Dog Training &

Private Hunting Grounds:

Drive straight down Kings Highway (about a mile and a half):

7626 Kings Highway

Zionsville, PA. 18092

Look for our large embossed stones!

Offline Ratzo

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Re: Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clin
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2004, 05:07:06 PM »
For Us that cannot make it, could what you learn be put on this web SITE, Photo's, Cleaning, some good info about the Gun.

Thank You

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clin
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2004, 07:42:47 PM »
Ratzo ..... despite the rather long haul (about 3 1/2 hrs for me) I plan to be going ... in fact am supposed to be doing some RO duty to help Jamie who is organizing it all.  Altho I met Eric back in March at same place, I hope very much to be able to meet Karl also.

I shall do my best to get some photographic record of the day - plus probably write up the thing and post some pics here.  If enough useful info that will be added to my mini FAQ website as well.

TW .... so - you're gonna make it eh?!  Good news ..... will look forward to meeting you - tho as usual I am never sure how to recognize anyone from boards first time!  Maybe we should announce selves when around Eric .... maybe even a name tag. :D  Let's hope for a half ways decent day's weather.
Chris - R9S
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Offline Mr_Jody_Hudson

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Re: Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clin
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2004, 11:18:54 PM »
I plan to be there as well - with my Rohrbaugh shirt and hat on. ;D
Delaware Real Estate =

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clin
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2004, 11:30:49 PM »
[size=13] with my Rohrbaugh shirt and hat on.[/size]

Dang it Jodey - you are one up on me there - I ain't got that apparel yet.  Wonder if Eric can fix me up.

I'll have to just make do with my Molon Labe shirt and cap! :)
Chris - R9S
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Offline TW

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Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clinic..
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2004, 03:24:26 AM »
>>Here is a pic of me and a friend (the red head).  I am now a bit heavier and sport a gray beard...TW<<

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Rohrbaugh Shooting, care, and lubrication Clin
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2004, 12:01:45 PM »
TW ..... your friend appears quite, hmmm ... ''ample''! ;D

I haven't a pic immediately to hand but ..... in verbal mode - knocking 60, shortish but almost white beard ... spectacles, 6.00" and 200#, bald, which is usually covered by cap .. may be a Molon Labe this time.

No sweat - we'll hook up.
Chris - R9S
Guns don't kill people - people kill people.
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