Jim said they should arrive as early as today.
I am excited to see what Jim did with my ideas, although they are more my feature requests, and Jim's designs.
Joe, yes, Jim's business ethics are exemplary. Not to mention he makes fine holsters. Yours are beautiful holsters, and I'm hoping your "just big enough" pocket holster ideas are just as well done in my front pocket design. Jim actually mentioned you and your pocket holster during our discussions, and we "borrowed" your idea for a smaller concealment panel.

Just so everyone understands, Jim had the first holster completed and ready to ship in about a week, but I wanted to discuss the second design a bit more and asked him to wait and ship both together. Still extremely fast delivery for to holsters made to customer specs, but it would have been even faster if I didn't delay things.
I fixed the hyperlink, thanks for pointing that out Joe.
I'm used to the forum software auto-linking URLs.
Edit: Just received the tracking # from Jim, it looks like they'll be here Friday.