This post would qualify as a footnote to this thread if footnotes were possible under the Forum's stucture.
I have never understood, from a LEO's point of view, the advantage of requiring a firearm to be totally concealed in a vehicle, e.g., during a traffic stop. Whenever I am pullled over for whatever reason -- and, yes, I have had a couple of speeding tickets here in Tennessee -- I immediately place my "particulars" as we used to call them in Africa (driver license, vehicle registration, insurance certificate, and handgun carry permit), on the dash board, electronically roll down all windows in the vehicle, place both hands on the steering wheel in the 10 and 2 positions, and await instructions from the officer(s).
On one occasion, even after inspecting my carry permit, the officer did not even ask if I had a weapon in the vehicle. On another, almost as an afterthought, the officer (a young deputy sheriff) asked what handgun I had and where it was located. At the time, back around 2003, I was carrying a Guardian .380 and had it stowed in the glove compartment, since I was going to be entering a courthouse when I reached my destination. I explained all of that to the officer and asked him if he wanted to retrieve the pistol while he ran my "particulars" through the computer system. He said, "I suppose I should," went around to the passender side, reached through the window, opened the glove box, and retrieved the Hedley-holstered G380.
After "vetting" me, the officer handed back my "particulars," my pistol, and the expected and deserved speeding ticket. He then smiled and said: "You might want to ease off a little on that rocket. And by the way, that's a nice holster on that pistol of yours."
State laws vary on protocols for holders of carry permits during traffic stops. Be sure you know your state's requirements in that regard.