What is the draw like with these?
I am interested in front pocket holsters for my R9 and PM9 but I'm leary of this design, the leather looks like it would wrap around on the edges making a draw difficult as the holtser ages.
Any input from those that have used them, and drawn from them as they break in?
From the way I'm interpreting your post, the leather wrapping around the pistol is not an issue.
The holster is easier to draw from than what you would expect. Your fingers will smoothly slip between the holster and the pistol allowing you to gain a full grip on the pistol.
I initially purchased the front pocket holster from Recluse. I was a fullback in highschool and I still have that build somewhat, especially large upper legs; therefore my pants are usually tight/tighter in my thigh/front pocket area. Anything I carry in a front pocket leaves a very visible outline. The front pocket holster was IMO, too big and it printed an odd looking triangular shape in my front pocket. It didn't look like anything you would be carrying in a front pocket. I exchanged that holster for a Solo. The Solo is the smallest holster Recluse makes and it is completely square. I am very happy with it; it is smaller and resembles a wallet, iPhone, Palm Pilot etc. It's more natural looking in the front pocket.
I would like to do a review on the holsters, but my life is so busy right now, I just don't have time, but I hope my post helps.