Today, I was in a discussion with someone who was one of my students when I ran the state academy. We started talking about ammunition for duty and off duty and he was stuck on one particular round for all his pistols even in different calibers. He really liked Federal hydrashock. And he used the same bullet in different calibers for all his handguns, both duty, off duty and fun. It came as a shock to him when I explained as tactfully as I could that every pistol barrel is a little different. They are after all a product of the + and - factors of production machining. I explained that you can't necessarily find the best round for a particular pistol by brand. You have to try lots of stuff to come up with a particular "best round" for any handgun. By way of example I took him through a number of the working pistols and revolvers that I have and use for a variety of different things. Each and every one has had a lot of different rounds fired to come up with the most accurate round for each individual weapon. Here's the list and the best round in far. I say so far because I never stop trying new stuff. I also don't and haven't had the ability to use every possible manufacturer in every pistol but I've used a bunch. In some like my R9S that fact that +P and +P+ are eliminated by manufacturer recommendation limits the choics also.
Remington Rand 1911A1 - .45ACP reload 200 H&G SWC
5.2/700X and a Win primer. for a
factory round 230 Federal Gold
Medal Match.
Colt Defender .45ACP - Remington 185 Golden Sabre Bonded
S&W Model 58 - Remington 210 gr JSP (The original full
house load the .41mag was designed for).
SIG P220R Carry - Speer 200 grain GD +P
SIG P239 .40 Cal - Remington 165 Golden Sabre Bonded
H&K P2000SK .40 Cal - Speer 165 GD
S&W 637 .38 Spec - Speer 135 grain GD +P Short Barrel
H&K USPc 9mm - Federal Hydrahock 147 grain +P+
SIG P228 - Speer 124 Grain GD +P/Federal 124 grain HS toss
SIG P225 - Federal 124 grain Hydrashock
Rohrbaugh R9S - Speer 124 Gold Dot
Those are the best I've found for each. The Rohrbaugh is still a work in progress but I think my tests pretty much confirmed some of the information that was published on line by one person with the exception that I didn't have immediate access to any Winchester handgun ammo at all. I tried rounds that I already had on hand. But since I confirmed that the standard velocity Speer GD 124gr was a similar result to what I saw on line, I quit while I was ahead and had tried all the available rounds that were non +P or +P+ that I had on hand. I do still want to try Remington 124 grain golden sabre bonded in it but so far I don't have any available at this time. I wasn't impressed with the bullet performance of the golden sabre round at the low velocitys that the short barrel of the Rohrbaugh produces in the online tests. I avoided Speers Short Barrel 9mm because even though it produces similar ballistics to the 124 grain standard GD in a longer barrel, it is rated as +P due to pressures and a propellant change which gives it those ballistics in a shorter barrel.
I want to emphasize that this is what I found in my pistols and in particular in the Rohrbaugh. I readily admit that I don't want to use a round smaller than 124 grain also. The reason is that I prefer the penetration of the heavier bullet over the speed of the 115 grain. If someone else likes that speed, go for it. But for me the deciding factor will always be accuracy and bullet size over speed. Another round I want to try in the Rohrbaugh that I didn't have available is a Glaser Safety Slug (if they make a non +P variety). They used to. But it's been a long time since I shot any. It would seem that they might be made to order for the Rohrbaugh. For those who don't know what they are, do a little research and you might have a new door opened to you.