Thanks for all the input it helps.
Im cutting parts while Im postin this.
Here is a few live shots.
Im still working on Pricing, should have a final cost after Anodizing.
my worry is The pricing is going to scare everyone off.
It is taking better part of one hour per part to machine. My normal shop rate is $80.00 a hour. I just cant justify 80 for a extention!!lol But if you were to take this part to any machine shop in the USA it wold cost you over $100
I consider My Pup a work of art from a machining aspect. And so I have tried to keep the Up to that standard with these parts. I hope those of u that find my pricing ok, also find my work is worthy of being on a gun like the R9
The countoured extention are still another concern all together. It has a total of 3 setups to compleat This of course ads to the time on the cnc. This ='s more cost. But I will try to keep it as close to the first extention as possible.
Thanks for looking
Would anyone be interested in red or blue anodizing??