Never saw so many pretty wrappings at one time as are seen
on this forum!! Very nice! I'm in the market for at least 2
holsters....but the problem is many questions....few answers.
So, here I am...seeking the advise of the ones who have covered this ground before. Which is better...cowhide or horsehide? Will a paddle be the most versatile to go from
driving to walking for a medium frame semi-auto? I really want to be "concealed" when carrying a larger gun, so will a paddle ride high enough? What's the reality of all day comfort with a IWB? I do wear a vest of some type almost all the time throughout the year to accomodate all the communication about 3" past the belt is covered...unless I reach up. I'm gettin' a headache. I do know that to start with,the R9s will be in a IWB Ace from Palehorse. I'm sure that will work for quite a while.....but as the opportunity and $ permit, I'd like to be watching for some of the dress leather shown here on other threads and know whether to pursue or not. So many little time. Hey, whatever information you all have accumulated would be appreciated...Thanks....Brian