I routinely have my right-hand front pockets deepened to accommodate a holstered handgun. The seamstress at my local drycleaners has become rather good at the task and refers to it as "making a holster holster." 
I knew someone here did this!!

I guess that in a couple of pairs of jeans that my grip is modified somewhat to pull from the pocket,guess I have not thought a whole lot about it..
I don't wear "tight" jeans for sure,more loose fit styles,some are just more condusive to carry than others for me..
I have looked at the Toters brand in ads only,interesting for sure.
They almost look like they advertise to carry in the reinforced pockets without a holster? May just be the way that I take it..
I think I would rather buy another holster AND jeans for about the same price..

They may be great though,I do NOT have any experience with them..
Do they sell the Diamond Cut brand at any "specific" stores? I will check them out..