Hello all,
Many of you have inquired as to ways that we, as a forum, could support America’s soldiers.
Recently I have been testing and been quite impressed with the new Slipstream lubricant product from Crusader Weaponry:
http://www.crusaderweaponry.com Crusader has been actively involved in shipping Slipstream to active duty front line soliders overseas. For every $25 donated, Crusader will send two 1 oz. bottles to active duty military personnnel overseas.
How many soliders benefit from each bottle depends on how it's distributed. One bottle could take care of one soldier for a very long time. If it's put in the cleaning tent and used by everyone, a bottle can take care of a squad a few weeks. Even after that, the nano particles remain embedded in the pores of the metal. After the oil is burned off, the weapon will function as normal with the nano particles remaining on the surface. Donated Slipstream will keep our soliders in them in the fight longer and stronger.
I am going to accept donations so we can "pool" the donated funds and send it along to Crusader from the forum. I will ask Joe Chetwood at Slipstream to include a business card from the forum expressing our thanks to the soliders who receive the products.
If you would like to participate, you can either PayPal me at
admin@rohrbaughforum.com or contact me for a snail-mail address for a check or money order. I would like to see how much we can accumulate by October 31, 2010, and go from there.
Thanks to anyone who wants to participate – and God bless the United States of America and its men and women in uniform.