Richard S, thank you for such a righteous picture. That is why I’m going to engrave it on my skin. My goal is for no Free American to ever forget. Every generation has paid their dues. There are also many righteous American who have never been in the military, but they are no less Great Americans for they understand and appreciate the sacrifices. This Nation needs to stop looking out, and start looking in.
KJ Trains, Right On! Rangers lead the way, and we stand upon the ground trodden by so many Great Americans before us and keep our focus for the many Great Americans behind us. Follow Us!
I have not always done everything right or always made the right decisions, but I have admitted my mistakes, learned from them (sometimes the hard way)and pressed on with pride. I will continue to make mistakes, but I will never turn my back on a fellow American in need nor from this Great Nation in which we live.
Thank you to everyone out there for all you do, be it in the service of our Country (past or present), or in supporting those who do. For each of you, I stand ready, willing, able. It’s what we do!
P7, I hear the battle cry!