Yeah; it is a good story and I am grateful I got to drive it. Time and distance have taken their toll and I have lost track of my friend but I remember that he paid $25,000 for it. Value today? Uh, much more.
Earlier in this string I mentioned how I sold some great guns because I was forced to do so when I lost my aerospace job in the mid 1990's. That was a watershed moment as it taught me a great life lesson.
I was "gun poor" and had amassed a lot of credit card debt as I traveled constantly and was living lavishly. When I lost my job I destroyed my credit cards, paid them off and made a commitment, to this day, to live DEBT FREE.
Money is neither the root of all evil nor the proper means to keep score, in my view. I am glad that Shelby Cobras exist but I do not believe I have "failed" if I never own one.
I could not make a similar claim if I never got to own an R9. That, as I would hope many of you would agree, is true failure.