Author Topic: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh  (Read 18040 times)

Offline theirishguard

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2006, 12:00:08 PM »
Tom, are you still shooting GD 124 in your R9s? If you are and it works why not stay put. Just my thoughts.
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2006, 12:09:40 PM »
Yes I am and did not mean to imply I would consider anything
else. As you say, why mess with a good thing?

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2006, 12:16:20 PM »
Tom, my thoughts were that you are happy with GD. Others are always on a search for new ammo to use in their pups. :) it seems
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2006, 02:09:09 PM »
I checked with my source who knew the inventor and genius
behind Magsafe, Joe Zambone. Joe sold the business a few
years ago and was tragically killed while riding a motorcycle.

I saw a thread on forum dated Mar. 2005 by
"Dr. Snubnose", posting no. 40; he says that he did ballistic
testing for Joe Zambone and has other comments on the
current Magsafe ammo--it is worth reading.

Am I saying the ammo is no good? absolutely not but it does
mean if there is any doubt, substantiated or not, I probably
won't rush out and buy it.

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2006, 09:03:38 PM »
Like a fish eyed fool, I went out and bought some of that "spendy" MagSafe and it worked flawlessly in my R9. NO OTHER AMMO can make that same claim, at least in my gun;^) Now, I have not used EVERY round available (and still haven't tried Silver Tips, but want to...), butmy normal round is the GDHP 115gr.

I took the whole box (I think its about $3 a pop!) and not one firing failure. I have about 8 rounds left and I too keep one in the pipe and the rest in the mag are Gold Dots. When the MagSafes are gone, I won't get more. Since my gun likes the GDHP, why change? When I'm a millionaire, then I'll waste my money on fancy ammo.

Calvin Cooledge
BTW-welcome to all the new, um, faces...

I checked with my source who knew the inventor and genius
behind Magsafe, Joe Zambone. Joe sold the business a few
years ago and was tragically killed while riding a motorcycle.

I saw a thread on forum dated Mar. 2005 by
"Dr. Snubnose", posting no. 40; he says that he did ballistic
testing for Joe Zambone and has other comments on the
current Magsafe ammo--it is worth reading.

Am I saying the ammo is no good? absolutely not but it does
mean if there is any doubt, substantiated or not, I probably
won't rush out and buy it.
"I'm spreading my loyalty around..." - Calvin Cooledge

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2006, 09:25:07 PM »
Whatever floats your boat, cool edge; try that flawless
feeding through a windshield, or maybe everyone drives
with their windows down where you reside.

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2006, 11:15:04 PM »
OK, so you say I should use only the GDHP's exclusively, rather than a MagSafe in the pipe? I just want to know the best way to go with my pup.
It's no big deal to use the remaining MagSafe rounds at the range and be done with them.

Oh, and Tracker, you sound a little mad here. Did I say something wrong? Certainly not my intention to do that!


Whatever floats your boat, cool edge; try that flawless
feeding through a windshield, or maybe everyone drives
with their windows down where you reside.
"I'm spreading my loyalty around..." - Calvin Cooledge

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2006, 11:19:46 PM »
I am not trying to tell anybody to do anything; all I am asking
is that all carry options are carefully considered for all tactical
possibilities, such as shooting through glass.
Sorry I overreacted; sometimes I have a tendency to do that.

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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MagSafe Ammo ...Or:"Thinking About The Box&qu
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2006, 11:35:34 AM »
OK, that's cool, Tracker. I think of myself as an open minded
guy, willing to listen to others, and change my own habits if
I deem it appropriate. You made a good point, and this is one
of those instances. I thank you for making me think harder.
I'm surprised I didn't come up with your info myself, since I'm
an Officially Licensed Obsessive-Compulsive;^)

Anyway, all of you keep us thinking outside the box. It's my job
to "Think About The Box";^)*

*"Thinking About The Box" is an inside joke, that only Mountain Man
and a few others here will understand. My company makes boxes, see?

I am not trying to tell anybody to do anything; all I am asking
is that all carry options are carefully considered for all tactical
possibilities, such as shooting through glass.
Sorry I overreacted; sometimes I have a tendency to do that.

"I'm spreading my loyalty around..." - Calvin Cooledge

Offline Salute

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2006, 05:01:25 PM »
Hello Tracker,

I thank you for your input on PreFrag Magsafe.  I do however feel that although there has been Mgmt change, we don't have enough evidence that there is really a negative change to the ammo as far as quality.

As far as bullets thru windshields, yes its probable that conventional ammo is going to follow through. [despite there have been many documented events that 9mm have hit windshields and deflected into other directions] But, the prefrag would in that instance disperse.

IMO it depends on the senario that occurs where you would need to fire in defense and how it benefits the situation.

If Magsafe has a quality issue, all bets are off.

If not, its an issue of Kinetic energy for stopping power versus penetration and expansion.

It all depends on the moment of truth and the different senarios that may come about. Either one may be better than the other contingent on the event.

Experts, so called experts, Firearms instructors, etc: their opinions are useless as they all have different views.

What is, and can be telling would be Ballistic experts, doing a multi-faceted large study with both, and a clear conclusion.

So far no one on this thread or many others i've seen can produce that report.  At least not yet.

                                All The Best,


Offline Rocnerd

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2006, 05:28:39 PM »
Not Magsafe I know, and not scientific, but interesting anyway.  So, for what its worth.

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2006, 08:02:55 PM »

It seems that you have more than a passing interest in
MagSafe; if that is the case, would you mind sharing that
with us?  

Offline Salute

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2006, 08:11:41 PM »
A test through Water jugs and sheetrock by firearm enthusiasts is not real.

Wetpaks maybe better than Gelatin, but not accurate to what happens in the human body, [tissue and bone]

The true acid test is ammo comparison in humans.

Being that we won't be doing that, a test in fresh cadavas by balistic experts may be the next best thing. Don't know of any to date. But that wil measure the damage done to the body by higher kinetic energy versus the trade off.

Offline Salute

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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2006, 08:17:02 PM »
Sure Tracker, remember I didn't start this thread.

As per your question, My interest is just for the pure reason of knowing, through proper due dilligence.

And, maybe that can help the law abiding gun community to the best info.


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Re: Glaser/MagSafe Ammo in the Rohrbaugh
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2006, 08:32:39 PM »

The original thread question, as you know, was a generic
question about frangible ammo in the R9. You shifted it to
MagSafe, specifically. That was why I asked the question:
Why MagSafe and not any one of numerous others?
MagSafe was the focus of your queries, not frangible ammo
in general.