Thanks for the comments on the article. I think you missed my point a bit, although you raise valid points.
My comment was that the Skyy and all subcompact 9mms are designed to be carried a lot and shot a little. This was not intended, by me, to be a comment on the life expectancy or durability of the Skyy, or any firearm.
As an aside, Karl Rohrbaugh certainly did not coin that phrase. It has been around for a long time. I have read it in many publications about many guns. In fact, I think S&W has said the same thing about the 340 Scandium j-frame.
My comment related to the niche in which guns this size (and smaller) fit. They are small and light to be easy to carry. They are also generally uncomfortable to shoot -- small and light doesn't make for a comfortable shooting platform. Ideally, we should all carry full-size guns. We would be better protected and could shoot them all we want and enjoy it. But – most of us don’t. We compromise shootability for lighter weight (including alloy frames), shorter barrels, etc. I often carry a S&W 340 PD with magnum loads. I wouldn’t want to shoot 50 rounds a week… It is another carry often and shoot a little gun. However, I have been shooting j-frames for years, I have shot enough through this gun to know how it shoots, and I routinely practice with other (larger) wheel guns with an identical manual of arms. I also routinely practice my draw from concealment and dry firing. I don’t feel the need to fire 50 magnum rounds a week, nor would I want to. The gun would probably take it (or S&W would replace it), but my body might not. Nevertheless, I feel well prepared and well protected.
Small guns are always a compromise – but if its all you can or will carry – it has to do. That was all my comment was intended to convey.
As for Karl, I do think that he never intended for anyone to shoot 10,000 rounds through an R-9. However, many people around here have fired a lot of rounds without appreciable wear. I don’t think it makes the gun disposable or of a limited life. However, like the Skyy – I wouldn’t suggest someone by an R-9 for their only gun, or shoot IPSC matches every week with it.

Duane (DDGator)