If you're like me, right about now (to paraphrase Garth Brooks' country song) you're thanking God for unanswered prayers.
Yes, I'm just like you;^) It was the most incredible time, ever!
My R9 owning friend in Pittsburgh lent me his Kel Tec 9mm to carry with me (he wouldn't let my borrow his R9s, even though I sold it to him! What a slug!). It's no where near the gun the R9 is, but hey, it was something to carry. I'm taking MY R9 next time!
One thing that freaked me out from the reunion was several people saying at the end, as we were leaving, "hope to be here next time" and "if there is a next time". Sheesh! My friends are dying around me left and right, and I still don't have a red @#&%$## convertible! I think my wife wants me to die, so SHE can buy the covertible with my insurance money. I'm gonna watch what I eat from now on... Oh, and BTW, here's an example of one of her delicious dishes...