This is at least the 5th or 6th mob beating in Milwaukee in the last 2 years or so. We are in the middle of trying to pass a concealed carry law here and events like this point to the seriousness of personal protection. No matter what the nay-sayers want to make of it, it is not mere conjecture to say that this man may have walked (driven) away from this unharmed if he had a gun with him.
About 6 months ago another man ran into the wrong crowd at an area convenience store, it seems he was from Arkansas and got turned around, stopped for directions and some local thugs decided they 'needed' his car. They took his cane, real nice bunch, and started beating him with it and kicking, punching , etc. What you won't see in the local press is a comparison of the outcomes in these two situations.
Mr. Arkansas just happened to have a .44 under his front seat and as the beat-down commenced he reached under the seat, and while various blows were raining down on him, he turned and fired a perfect shot at the guy closest to him - put a .44 slug right through his brain - end of attack, bad guys run - Mr. Arkansas walks away. Well at least he did after spending a weekend in our jail while our idiot county prosecutor weighed whether or not to charge him with something - he didn't, thankfully.
I agree that the guy in the most recent case here should have gunned the car and drove through them but things happen fast. I know if it were me, my hand would have already been wrapped around a grip.