There is another thread running currently, where someone chimed in with the old Timex slogan, "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking." The question was raised if you need to be over 50 to remember that. That slogan may have been created before I was born, but I certainly remember it from my youth, as Timex kept it around for a while. I originally started to post this reply to that thread, but realized I would be hijacking, so I moved this to the Water Cooler.
Thinking back to the old slogans from radio and television commercials, I find a few slogans and advertisements that are indelibly etched into my brain. That old Timex slogan in particular, combined with a few fingers of Johnny Walker Red, got me thinking of other old slogans, and which ones might apply to Rohrbaugh's.
"Sooner or later, we're going to get you..." ?? That always sounded a bit ominous to me.
"They're Grrrrrrrrrreat!" These days Tony the Tiger isn't my hero the way he was when I was 6. Maybe a more mature slogan would be better.
"Softens your hands while you do the dishes..." ?? Now if I could convince my wife that this was somehow true, and use it as an excuse to buy another gun, I'd be making millions in the marketing business. But somehow I just don't think I can get much mileage out of that one.
"Tastes great, less filling..." hmmmmm.... for a pocket pistol, this could almost work.
ok, how about: "Don't leave home without it!" That works. We could even sign our posts: "member since...."
I suspect you all have favorite slogans from other products that would either fit the R9, or, just as amusingly, wouldn't...