Author Topic: Gunsmith rant  (Read 7532 times)

Offline Aglifter

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Gunsmith rant
« on: October 29, 2005, 04:22:23 PM »
OK, maybe I've been insulated, but all the previous gunsmiths I've dealt w. charged wholesale +15%, or maybe 9%, or cost if I knew them well/they were feeling generous, wanted to get rid of it, etc.  Went to a shop in Myrtle Beach, found out I got charged ~60% plus they took the extra chokes/sling out of the package, and tried to see if I wanted to buy some -- I thought it seemed odd that it came from mossberg w only 1 choke  -- OK, so I should have looked around, but I'm not really that familiar w. mossbergs, I just thought it felt nice, and that it was a cheap gun to take duck hunting in salt marshes (didn't realize how cheap they really are.)

Do most of ya'll negotiate prices w. your dealers?  I've always just paid the price on the tag, at other dealers, and it's always been fair.

They argued w. me about the sling and the choke today, said they'd call Mossberg Monday, and if it's supposed to have them, they'll get me some (said they didn't care about the specs off Mossberg's website saying that they were included -- at least I cleared out his full shop on a busy Saturday.)
« Last Edit: October 29, 2005, 04:23:02 PM by Aglifter »
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Offline Michigunner

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Re: Gunsmith rant
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2005, 05:16:19 PM »
Good for you, Aglifter.

That's funny that you cleared out his full shop on a busy Saturday.

He deserved it.  

Offline BlueGrips

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Re: Gunsmith rant
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2005, 05:48:54 PM »
>> Do most of ya'll negotiate prices w. your dealers?

That's sucks! So you did not buy it?

Just like buying a car, I try doing my homework 1st and then go there with a specific item in mind. I found that the Internet is usually a cheaper source, even after I added up the shipping and FFL charges. I would also save on taxes.

However, I always ended up buying locally for a little more since I like supporting my local shops... but always after a bit of negotiation with some persistance! Last time I bought my USP .45 Compact at a shop, I brought along an internet add from CDNN advertised new for $699 and used it to my advantage. Ended up with the gun, extra mag, a hat, a box of bullets, and a range ticket thrown in.

Another time I called the shop owner for an FFL transfer, he asked how much was the price for the gun. After I told him and said that I haven't yet paid for the gun, he offered one for the same price, saving me for the shipping and FFL costs. But it was a wash after paying taxes.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2005, 05:51:26 PM by cuteo100 »

Offline sslater

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Re: Gunsmith rant
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2005, 09:51:49 PM »
I usually shop around pretty carefully.  There are 5 private (small business) gun shops I've dealt with in the past plus multiple Gander Mountains.  There's even a Cabella's within 35 miles.  
It's amazing how much variation there is in price for a particular gun.  And the big boys usually aren't the cheapest.  They won't deal either.  So I end up buying from the little guys.  My wife says I'm really doing my part for the economy!  From now on, though, I think I'll use cuteo100's method and take internet printouts with me for bargaining leverage.
BTW 1: Some of you may have noticed I've done a lot of posts today.  That's because my wife hired a painter to do the interior painting I've successfully put off.  Hey!  I ain't getting up on a ladder to paint those 20 foot high walls.  
Let's see, a Rohrbaugh for me, couple hundred rounds of 9 mm for me, several holsters for me, Stop Stick for me, air powered pencil-type grinder for me; paint job for Phyllis.  Good tradeoff.   ;)

BTW 2: That pencil grinder, a felt bob, Simichrome polish, & 30 seconds smoothed out the feed ramp on my R9S barrel like a champ.  It went from okay to foot-deep-shine-smooth. (I practiced on my old Firestar M40 first.  It never looked so smooth.)

Offline Chuck_S

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Re: Gunsmith rant
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2005, 09:59:01 PM »
I've only bought one or two firearms locally.  Learned my lesson on MSRP the first time and the last one got stuck to my hand  ;).

Bought a few at big gun shows, but Sportring Arms and Dan's Guns dot com for the rest of 'em.  Local transfer FFL charges $10 - $15.  Pure profit for him, he doesn't have a nickle invested.

I paid retail for the R9S, but not locally.  They wanted retail plus!

-- Chuck
« Last Edit: October 29, 2005, 09:59:25 PM by Chuck_S »

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Gunsmith rant
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2005, 11:31:40 PM »
I am not a great ''haggler'' - partly cos I know that honest dealers still have to make a mark.  My local guy is terrific and I usually just ask what his ''best deal'' is - and he always sees me right to my satisfaction.

I have struggled in past to make a living and so within reason accept that others have to do same.

I do not however enjoy feeling ''screwed'' and that gets me riled up!  Thing is sometimes - if we take proof of a cheaper deal - it is sometimes almost fair if the other guy says - ''fine - go buy there''!!  His perogetive I guess.

I do tho most certainly get well steamed if something is sold that is meant to include x, y and z - has had those things ''creamed off'' for separate sale - that is inexcusable IMO.
Chris - R9S
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Offline flyandscuba

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Re: Gunsmith rant
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2005, 07:02:36 AM »
I usually buy all of my guns through the internet now.  I can get better pricing on-line, and through individuals unloading stuff through forums like this.  Sure I pay a little for shipping and the dealer transfer, but it still adds up to less than local retail -- plus, no sales tax when bought from out of state!  That makes a huge difference when buying Rohrbaughs, Seecamps, and HK P7s... ;D
I'm not a gun expert -- but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night...

Offline Calvin Cooledge

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Negotiating involves more than one party...
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2005, 08:35:49 PM »
Hmmmm.... I don't know if I posted this story to ya'll, but I will again since it so applies here:

I was at a local knife show a few years ago (local meaning the Blade Show;^), and I was talking to a friend over dinner. I told him it was my policy not to question the price on an item, unless there is a sign next to it saying specifically "Price Negotiable".

This man who shall remain nameless (I forgot;^) told me of a time when a guy came to his table and asked the price of a knife. He told the guy it was $600. The guy said "Would you take $500 for it?". The Knifemaker then tells the guy the price was now $650. The would be buyer said "Hey, wait! You just told me the price was $600." The Knifemaker said "You entered into negotiations with me on my knife for sale. Did you think that you were the only party to these negotiations? Usually negotiations take place with two parties, not one."

The guy steamed off, walked around the row of tables, and came back and bought the knife, at the higher price.

My feeling is "do you want this (insert product here) at the price advertised?" If you do, buy it and STOP looking for it at a lower price. It will only make you mad. Trust me. I live this stuff...

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Offline Rocnerd

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Re: Gunsmith rant
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2005, 09:50:07 AM »
I don't haggle with a dealer, unless I'm at a gun show, since a good portion of those dealers have the price on the gun and then a lower price if paying cash.  It doesn't hurt to ask. . . usually.