After talking with a number of driver’s that have made the run to Dallas, I’ve been assured that the authorities are not interested in the driver’s luggage or belongings. So, I feel my Rohrbaugh & I we’ll be just fine.
As told to me by a driver who had returned from that run yesterday, the state police boarded his coach and made this statement.
“Anyone on board carrying a firearm, put in on the floor now. If you have one and do not comply with this order, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”
22 hand guns were laid on the deck for collection by the police.
After they collected the firearms, all the passengers’ belongings (I sure most had very little) were searched.
Along with 500 to 600 other motor coach companies, we continue sitting and wait. We’ve been parked at an old Air Force base in Lake Charles Louisiana being used as a staging area for the buses.
With Mid 90 degree temperatures and no shade it’s hot! Anyone who has spent time on a flight line will confirm this.
Little to no information has been shared with either the bus companies or the driver’s. FEMA at it’s best.
Truly it’s starting to get frustrating. We came a long way to help those in need of transportation. Instead, we’re spending the days chasing down hotel rooms, (sleeping in the buses get old fast) washing the buses and other non productive tasks.
I’m sure everyone has heard and seen the damage to New Orleans. I can tell you there is substantial damage to towns through out Mississippi and Louisiana.
Leaving Meridian Mississippi a few days ago, we traveled south on route I-20. The tree damage was unbelievable. I now understand why it took so long for relief crew to reach New Orleans. Hundreds of miles on downed trees & power lines. The tree guys & power company workers did a superior job in clearing the highway. Their work must have taken days, working 24 hours a day. They deserve a lot of credit.
I meet many folks that have lost ever personal possession they owed. I’ve meet some that lost family members. Some who can’t find loved ones. Not knowing if they made it out or not.
Not a single person we’ve meet has been anything but friendly and kind.
This, if nothing else is a real life lesson for me.
Those that have every right in the word to feel sorry for then self’s, to walking around with a long face, to just be miserable, Are anything but. They are happy to be alive. Their so grateful of out pour of help and generosity shown them.
I’ve gone on too long here. Sorry for the rambling. Fatigue setting in!!
Hope all is well in your home towns.