Many of you know I went to the range today to try may Kimber Solo (loved it) and while there I put some rounds through a S&W 1911 that I have had a while and not yet fired. I shot 15 rounds of 230 grain Federal HydraShocks, and 50 rounds of Georgia arms 230 grain ball. Zero issues with this gun. Bit of a chunk to carry seeing as to what we are all used to, but was nice to find a 1911 that worked properly, right out of the box. I also posted a picture of the beginnings of my ammo bunker. This is on the bottom floor and is coming along well. I believe in 1,000 rounds for every gun in the house… Life is good in Toadville. Had a wonderful time on a new, local, indoor range. Here in Florida, there are many times where the indoor range will be very nice. They will let a feller shoot danged near anything. I like the doo-dad that zips the targets back and forth too. Kind of spoiled me as I’m used to shooting outside and walking to my targets. Needless to say, I’ll be going back. Did I mention that it’s great to be back in the “world,” back on this forum, and back to recreational shooting….