Richard - I just thought you might have one handy
It looks great!
Do they feeeel as good as they look?
I have a feeeling!
I just arrived with my lady at Critter Creek, got this this jury-rigged internet connection up and running, and have logged into the Forum.
Yes, the Micartas feel as good as they look -- very "grippy," if you will pardon the pun. The best thing is that they are da**ed near indestructible. With the Nills, I am always aware of the possibility of banging them on doorways, car doors, or such. With the Micartas, I don't even think about it. My R9 is always protected in a pocket holster, but I wear the P7 either IWB or OWB, depending on circumstances and clothing. The two together make a great pair for CCW use.
If you order a pair of Micartas from Pete Foldyna, whatever the handgun, I think you will like them.