Author Topic: Now I'm really Confused!  (Read 18018 times)

Offline chameleon

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2007, 04:52:21 PM »
Mark, I feel you made an excellent decission.
 I find the Seecamp 32, and .380 and the R9 and R380 are both in line with one another as far as function goes, ie., the mag release, DAO, quality and feel. Both have issues due to ammunition.
The best reason to buy either or both of these pistols is what you get from the company as far as backing goes. Both companies are easy to deal with because they are small.Quick turn around time if there is a problem, and if you call, they know about your gun off the top of their heads, no need to look it up on a computer.

Please also visit the Seecamp forum and let us know how you like the LWS when you have had a chance to give it a try.

Recently I shot both my R9 and LWS 380 without any problems using Gold dots in both pistols.
20 rnds each pistol.

Offline mshechte

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2007, 09:34:08 PM »
Chameleon, I've always used Gold Dots in all of my Self Defense Pistols. Except for at home in my nightstand Guns I always use the Mag Safe Defenders, just to eliminate the whole over penetration thing.
I can't wait to get my hands on that LWS 380, and if the stars stay lined up, I'll be picking up a LWS 32 as well. When it rains it pours ;D.
As far as the Seecamp Forum goes...I have already been there just looking around, and I see alot of familiar names over there. I had to double check to make sure I wasn't on this forum  ;). I'm looking forward to becoming a part of that Forum as well. I will defenitely, post my range results in my first post.
Later, Mark
" If Guns kill people...then all of mine are Defective "    Ted Nugent.

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2007, 08:56:01 AM »
IMO you made the best choice. When you shoot it use a very firm grip, shes a hand full! ;)
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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2007, 10:14:46 AM »
Mark, boy what a deal, 2 Seecamps, welcome here and over at the Seecamp forum as well.   Tom
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

Offline harrydog

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2007, 02:01:02 PM »
I definitely think you made the right choice.
I have an LWS 32 and it's been 100% reliable. And the size can't be beat. Never a reason to be without it regardless of how you're dressed. I'll most likely pick up an LWS 380 eventually.
AND...(this is important)...Larry Seecamp personally goes over every gun that leaves his shop and if you EVER have a problem with it, he will fix it, without any of the hassles you sometimes go through to get things fixed from other manufacturers.

Offline mshechte

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2007, 09:33:58 PM »
That's good to know, but the way these Pistols look, and the way they're put together, I can't emagine having to ever send it back for anything. They're almost like a piece of Art, or close to it. Almost as pretty as my R9.
The Pistol Gods were smiling upon me, and I closed the deal on a LWS 32 today, to go with the 380. Two down, and one to go ;D.
I'll see you all at the Seecamp Forum!
Later, Mark
" If Guns kill people...then all of mine are Defective "    Ted Nugent.

Offline TW

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No longer confused...
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2007, 01:41:07 PM »

I too would like to congratulate you on the purchase of your Seecamp(s).  But before you go putting away for a Guardian.380, don't forget the Rohrbaugh .380 is just around the corner.  Now perhaps you plan to collect EVERY .380, as available...but if it came down to the R-380 vs. Guardian .380 there would be no questioning on my part as to where to go = R-380...!

Back to your original question about going with the Guardian vs. this thread will attest - there are people out there who like both guns for many reasons.  But a biggie which I don't recall seeing here is this and I think most folks would agree with me...  

Out of the box, you may or may not get a Guardian needing to be tweaked here and there for top performance (mine did) - and there is no question Guardian has an awesome customer service department (my experience they are great), and there are many amazing things they can do to/for a Guardian .380 to make it a piece of art...and there are other Micro Pistol Smiths, like Teddy Jacobson so I'm told...who can work wonders on a Guardian's trigger and who think this gun is one of if not the best Pocket Pistol around.

However, in my experience the Seecamp is ready to go right out of the box...!...and I have never heard of one that wasn't (anyone here know of any?).  Beyond some fancy art work to the gun - there is simply not anything that I know of to make a Seecamp need of a trigger job, action tune, whatever.

Since you have already decided to go for a couple Seecamps these may all be non-issues...but I always like to ponder on why my guns - like a Seecamp or Rohrbaugh...are sooooo fine.

BTW...if you feel the need to unload any of your little Colts - please let me know (!...TW<<
« Last Edit: April 14, 2007, 01:46:42 PM by TW »

Offline mshechte

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2007, 10:04:08 PM »
That I will TW! Boy am I glad I let you guys talk me into buying the Seecamps. QUALITY!! Next to my R9, they rate right up there among my favorites. ;D
" If Guns kill people...then all of mine are Defective "    Ted Nugent.

Offline mshechte

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2007, 03:00:22 AM »
By now you know that I have picked up the LWS 380, and so it would not be alone a LWS 32, and a LWS 25 that will be making it's way back into Larry's loving hands for a good bit of TLC very soon. I feel pretty fortunate that I was able to complete my Trifecta so quickly.
But the thought of that G380 still burned in my Brain, and I could not resist. So my Relapse continues... :P.  Real nice G380  though. Been through the Custom Shop at NAA, and recieved the Carry Package, and the Whole Gun Polish Job. Real nice ;D, and Fires like a dream. Maybe it's in my head, but the extra weight seems to tame the recoil a bit.
Now I do need a bigger Safe...Just today I picked up a S&W Airweight J Frame Model 432 in 32 H&R Mag. Good price, and hard to find anymore.
I gotta figure out, how to get some pictures of these things, and Post 'em up for you guys to see. Maybe I'll recruit my Kid's help...They'll be able to figure it out... ;)
" If Guns kill people...then all of mine are Defective "    Ted Nugent.

Offline Richard S

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2007, 08:57:27 PM »

A "Trifecta" in Seecamps, an R9, and now a Custom Shop G380!  You are obviously a man of superb taste in the finer things of life.  Congratulations, Sir!   :o
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline mshechte

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #25 on: June 06, 2007, 02:20:28 PM »
Thanks Richard...Now if I could only get my hands on a few Hedley's to carry 'em in...I'd be a happy camper.
I'm in the market for a new Safe...Any Suggestions?
" If Guns kill people...then all of mine are Defective "    Ted Nugent.

Offline Richard S

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2007, 03:02:17 PM »
I personally like a Browning or a Liberty safe:

I left a Browning bolted to the floor as part of the realty in the sale of my former home.  I now have a Liberty.  It took the proverbial "three men and an ox" to get the thing up the steps and stairs and internally bolted to the floor of my second-floor den.  It would probably remain with the house in the unlikely event we ever decided to move.

A top-quality, fire-rated safe internally bolted to the floor beams provides great peace of mind and is worth every penny of the investment.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 03:07:43 PM by Richard_S »
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline mshechte

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Re: Now I'm really Confused!
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2007, 04:02:28 PM »
I have actually looked at the Liberty Safes already. Some very nice features there. I like the looks of the Fort Knox brand too.
I need to bolt this thing to the floor of my Attached Garage so it's going to need to have a good Dehumidifier system.
Right now I have a Safe that "Came with the House" too, and have outgrown it.
Thanks for the links,
" If Guns kill people...then all of mine are Defective "    Ted Nugent.