"My wife ALMOST DIED when she got a "Peek" into my safe..!"
She thought these ones here were the only one's..!!
I had the brilliant idea to get my wife into shooting so she wouldn't complain everytime I purchased a new gun. It started off with I purchased her a Glock 34 to play with, well everytime I took the HK MP-5 out to practice she would go along and shoot her Glock. Well she HAD to comment "It takes no skill to hit anything with a submachine gun!"
I egged her on and told her "I bet you can't even hit anywhere on the B-27 target with it!" She couldn't! AND she was P.O.ed about it. Everytime we would go shooting she would grab the MP-5 and run magazine after magazine through it. After some time I noticed she was at my skill level, a few months later she was WAY PAST my skill level.
She entered the Fall 1997 Knob Creek Open Submachine Gun match. She took FIRST in the Womens Class.
From that point forward if I was going to spend any money on firearms it was going to be on HER MP-5! MSG-90 buttstock, Brugger & Thomet low profile scope mount, Aimpoint M2, trigger job, Dillon RL-1050 press to keep her in ammo, etc., etc., etc. I created a monster!