Yeah, the Marlin hasn't taken any Venison, but it has taken a hog. I was hoping to go deer hunting this year, but the season is wearing on and the outlook isn't good. Next year for sure though. I will go hog hunting before spring, I need to make some more pulled pork. This year isn't done yet though, I may get out there for my deer, you never know what is on the horizon.
I heard a rumor about a ban on imported barrels for Ak's and figured even if it wasn't true it was a good excuse to get one. Then I got there and figured, . . . got talked into easily I should say, I'd get the Ak-74 also. I have 2000 rounds of 5.45 (splitting it with a friend) on the way and four more 30 round mags for each. 7.62 is hard to get in bulk right now. I hear all sorts of rumours concerning why, but Iraq is always at the top of the list.
So, after the turkey is all gone I should be sitting pretty concerning the AKs, except for the 7.62. So, I have tasked my friend of hitting the gun show the weekend after Thanksgiving, since I'll be visiting my family up in CT, to try and hunt down some fairly cheap 7.62. I hope he strikes it big.
Anyway, thanks for the nice comments. I think my next gun on the list is one of those P7M8s that FlyandScuba keep tempting me with.