Today, I took my PM40 to the range to run the break-in period and see what, if any, problems were encountered. Well, 250 rounds of WWB 180gr went down range with ZERO problems. Every round fed, fired and ejected. Absoultely no problems whatsoever.
To me, the recoil was not that bad -- though the cross-hatch on the backstrap does cause some discomfort after 250 rounds in an hour or so at the range. I took my R9s to fire as well. To my surprise, the percieved recoil was worse in the R9s, it was more uncomfortable to shoot, and I performed worse with it.
The accuracy (minimum shooting distance at this range is 15 yards) in the PM40 was much better than I expected. All rounds in the target, and most within a palm-sized group.
My PM40 was test fired on 6/23/2004 -- so, it has been sitting on the dealer's shelf for some time and may not have benefited from later tweeking at the factory.
In summary, I am well pleased. The PM40 may oust the R9s as my favorite pocket carry pistol....