>>I'm going to be a bit more blunt than Chris and Duane regarding this business about Eric being away, and the bigger picture of customer service at Rohrbaugh Firearms as it now stands...
A month or so ago it was abusive e-mail and phone calls which pushed Eric over the edge to the point of needing a break, and for the company to begin re-evaluations on how to optimize employee efforts as a branch of that.
Those of us who have dealt directly with the company know how much of a "giver" Eric is. I suspect the guy was BORN that way, and add to that a proper upbringing with strong morals and values, and you have the class act of a fellow that he is today. Eric is also a sensitive guy, which reveals itself to us in how personally he gives of himself...and how he takes things in...!! Then there is Karl who is the sensable one in the family/company, and who seems to hold the big picture for where the company is going...and to see what is happening to the pieces as they effect the whole. Did I mention that Karl is a no nonsense guy...?...!
Sooooo...some weeks ago now we have Eric with certain people taking advantage of his kindness and desire to help...and finally he's had enough. Big Brother Karl sees what is happening and makes some hard and fast decisions...
To Eric he says to take a break/get away from it/go chill out...and if you feel like coming into work - go in the back and build some guns...!! We on the other hand are told Rohrbaugh e-mail is to be shut down for the time being...it's use to be re-evaluated at a later date. Because Rohrbaugh Firearms STILL stands for not only quality products, but customer service second to none - Karl points towards Maria as the knowledgeable customer servant to help us out...which is probably the way it should have been from the beginning...and which Karl, Eric, and crew will get together and determine at a later date along with how to best optimize Eric's energies at work. Sadly, just as Maria is settling in as the #1 customer servant - some OTHER Bozos in the industry start harassing HER on the job. But that gets me on a tangent I don't want to go to at the moment...
I've said this before and I will say it again now only a bit louder... RIGHT NOW WE ALL NEED TO GIVE THE FOLKS AT ROHRBAUGH FIREARMS SOME BREATHING ROOM, TIME TO RECOUP, AND REORGANIZE. Once Eric gets back in the saddle, reshuffling happens, and the company is able to catch up on their orders...maybe then we will see how customer service will evolve. If that means Eric is doing something else, then that's the way it has to be. If that means Eric is back building guns - I hope I get one of the ones he builds...!...because no one will build them better...!! Then, if more staff are needed for customer service, I'm confident they will be hired eventually/at the earliest opportunity.
I should think all of us here should be able to accept what all is happening with Rohrbaugh, even if it saddens us not to be dealing directly with Eric in the future. It would be nice to catch and hold accountable the SOBs who have helped bring this down on us all...but that's not likely to happen...is life in the world as it is today...same amount of space with more people in it = fruitcakes and inconsiderates standing out. Only constructive thing I can say here is don't give your business to people who come off that way. There are plenty of good people out there who deserve our support...like those at Rohrbaugh Firearms...!...TW<<