Thanks for the welcomes. The SP-101 is the 3.25 inch barrel .357 mag. as most of you already know. I bought it many years ago and always liked the feel of it. I tend toward keeping a few guns I really like around (OK, nore than a few) as opposed to just having a large number of guns. Since the SP-101 was a favorite, I had for a long time planned to get a "Jack Weigand"-"tame the beast" package done to it. By the time I got around to it, Weigand seemed to be out of business or at least not taking on mass quantities any longer. I can't remember how I found Marc and Karen Morganti at Gemini Customs, LLC...might even have been on Weigand's site. As I understand it, Marc worked with Weigand, considers him a mentor and friend, and the torch has been passed to him for some of Weigand's packages.
For $229 plus shipping they slicked up the trigger action very nicely...about 10# was what I asked for, chamfered cylinder throats, crowned barrel, bead blast, bobbed/polished hammer, dealt with the cylinder endshake, polished the trigger smooth and knoked down a few other sharp corners, new springs, etc. For another $100 they'll port it. I didn't see the need with the 3.25 barrel and my medium velocity COR-BON .357s.
The grip is a boot grip from BadgerGrips or BadgerCustomGrips...something like that. The grip angle is very different from stock and is a one finger short of a full grip and it isn't cleared for all speed loaders (some might clear) so it's not for everybody. I like it a lot. I think eagle makes some that are cleared. I believe the gun was gone several weeks or a month but I didn't put a rush on it and it was just before the SHOT show timeframe.
Add it all up and I suppose I've got way too much money in it but surely Rohrbaugh guys understand that isn't always the point.