Author Topic: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrbaugh  (Read 24602 times)

Offline Mr_Jody_Hudson

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I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrbaugh
« on: May 27, 2004, 02:27:50 AM »
I'm still torn.

I LOVE my Rohrbaugh.  However the Keltec P-11 with 4 or 5 more rounds and a bit more velocity is another choice.

I will be likely to have my Glock 19 most of the time but there will be times when my usual dress; casual business, is not conducive to anything except pocket carry.

My age and slowness of gait, due to severe spinal degeneration, make me a potential target for BGs.  We have been experiencing more and more muggings and car jackings from parking lots where the BGs are in groups of 3 to 6 people.

I will certainly be training to shoot well with my Rohrbaugh.  But those extra rounds are going to be hard to put down, that fit into the Keltec.  My Keltecs all hold 11 rounds in each of the magazines, so with an extra magazine that would give me 12 in the gun plus 11 more for a reload from behind cover if need be.

I solicit debate and conjecture about this, please.  Keltec or Rohrbaugh - 7 at 1,000 fps or 12 at 1,100 fps; that is the question!
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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2004, 10:22:16 AM »
in the first place, the 100 gr CorBon Powrball is a better bet,or the 90 gr jhp from CorBon.  I don't trust jhp's to expand in flesh at less than  1300 fps, because I've seen them fail to do so on animals, lots of times

If you need more than 7 rds, you need more than a pistol, much less a pocket pistol.  Wear some good concealed armor,too.

Offline flyandscuba

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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2004, 11:40:08 AM »
The P-11 is a good little pistol -- but isn't a pocket carry gun in my opinion.  It's just too big -- even for relaxed slacks, much less blue jeans.  I have the P-11, P-40, P-357, P-32, and P-3AT offerings from Kel-Tec...  At present, the P-3AT is what goes in my pocket.  I can use it with front pocket carry -- even in tight blue jeans.

I'm hoping the R9s will be just as comfortable in front pocket carry.
I'm not a gun expert -- but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night...


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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2004, 12:30:53 PM »
forget the tight jeans.  Their pockets won't let you take a firing grip on ANY pistol, and make a swift draw from same.  Tight jeans are kid stuff. A ccw man just has to make certain concessions in how he dresses, that' s all. I've had a seamstress add larger pockets to many of my pants over the years.  One either gets serious about having an adequately powerful gun in the pocket, goes with a belt rig, or settles for some mouse gun that's nothing but a bluff.

Offline norfdet893

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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2004, 11:44:09 PM »
Well for what it is worth, here is my .02 worth. I never really considred carrying a BUG off duty until I bought my P32 about a year ago. As an LEO i have been carrying a BUG while working for years. I carry a P3AT daily now as a BUG while working and while off. That being said, I don't really consider the P3AT a primary carry piece. If I needed something for pocket carry as a primary I used the PM9. I loved the P32 so much I bought a P11, then the P3AT and now a P40. The P11 filled the gap between my Smith full size 5946 (duty weapon) and my P3AT. I liked having 12 9mm rounds instead of 6 or 7 from the PM9. It was also nice to have a larger grip, sight raduis and barrel. Now the P11 has been replaced by the P40 becasue of the more potent round. If you feel comfortable with the less is more theory than the rohrbaugh should be fine if it is in your price range. If not than the PM9 may be more suited to your taste. I will say that for the asking price of the rohrbaugh now, you could get a PM9 and a P11. For me though, I am interested in the R9 to replace my P3AT! I will wait and monitor the progress of these pistols on this board before I make the commitment. For me the PM9 although lighter than my previous MK9, it is still a little large for BUG pocket carry.

Consider you options and find what falls best within your budget and needs.


Offline R9SCarry

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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2004, 12:40:45 AM »
norfdet makes the valid point I think that the R9 is the desirable replacement for a P3-AT . I have one .. it pockets well but - I am not over enamored with it.  The R9 by comparison does all i want and with style .. for such a diminutive piece.

P-11 is a step up beyond these two . Sure I like the spec Jody .. ammo capacity particularly.  In the end it's what you can tote, ''on the day'' ... I mean, despite being besotted with the R9 .. I am still managing to tote my SP-101 . I am very at ease with it ... and carry one speedloader.

The true pocket piece tho .. P3-AT or now R9 .. comes into its own once all other options are used .. and this for me is dress dependant.  Tho of course ... the R9 can always have BUG status if nothing else.
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Offline packin_heat

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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2004, 12:38:59 PM »
my p-11 fits in my front pocket fine, even with a pinky rest, hogue handall jr and belt clip. i had Azrael make me a pocket holster with a groove in the side so i dont haveta take the clip off to put it in the holster. however now i want a p-32. hard chrome and light blue grip. mmmnnn...great now im drooling
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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2004, 01:50:29 PM »
why settle for .32, when its semi rimmed case causes problems, P3AT is just as small and lw, 380 ammo hits harder, is cheaper, more available?

Offline packin_heat

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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2004, 03:18:10 PM »
simply because im still a little leary of the P3AT, many people have had issues with it. however, many people have also had them perfect out of the box. i suppose by the time i am ready to get one of the two, the 380 will be perfected enough, and the price down a little.
"Shop smart, shop S-Mart"
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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2004, 03:28:04 PM »
either one is just a joke, unless you either pull eyeball shots or hotload the locked breech 380. they just aint got enough power to amount to a hoot.

Offline packin_heat

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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2004, 06:11:43 PM »
well its my choice and i like them. if they were worthless, they wouldnt be made. and if they were worthless, then how come people have died from .22lr and .25acp? im not saying its a great primary weapon or a great manstopper. but they can kill and protect.
"Shop smart, shop S-Mart"
"Pphh...English, who needs that? I'm never going to England!"
"I didn't go to work today. The voices told me to stay home and clean the guns".


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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2004, 07:29:26 PM »
that's right, so why not have a .22, and practice 15x as much, for the same cost, hmm?  Lethality and stopping power have almost nothing in common. I can cause your (eventual) death with an injection of AIDS blood, and I can stop you cold with a ball bat across your gut, and you will probably be ok in a day or so.

Wrong on the worthless. Just look at the derringers, Sundance and Lorcin .25's, mini revolvers, lots of stuff around that's worthless. Look at Scott, Triple K or Promag magazines. Look at clip on IWB rigs. About 1 really fast draw in 5-6, the rig comes out of your belt with the gun.


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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2004, 07:31:08 PM »
Look at the extended mag releases for 1911's, which cause inadvertant dropping of the mag. Look at the extended 1911 slidereleases, which snag during a concealed draw. Look at the sharp corners on many adjustable rear sights on defense pistols.

Offline packin_heat

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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2004, 07:36:07 PM »
what does that crap haveta do with the keltec 32 and 380? thats what i was talking about. and i never said anything about any particular brand of .25. yes many were crap. im talking about the ammos power. you said that the 32s and 380s power didnt amount to a hoot.
oh well, in every post youve made at this site, youve had a know it all  bossy tone, and im sick of it, so you wont see me post here anymore.
"Shop smart, shop S-Mart"
"Pphh...English, who needs that? I'm never going to England!"
"I didn't go to work today. The voices told me to stay home and clean the guns".


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Re: I'm still torn - between Keltec P-11 and Rohrb
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2004, 07:53:16 PM »
Ever heard of Mohammad Ali? He said:" If you can DO it, it ain't bragging".  I know this subject better than you know your favorite food.