One or two members/former members have indicated that that the R9, as wonderful as it seems, is not controllable in their hands for accuracy I am approaching 80, have some double vision thanks to botched lens implants, and a tremor due to aging. I can no longer shoot bullseyes well, even with my .45’s.
I read Rex Applegates “BULLSEYES DON’T SHOOT BACK” and realized the only reason I carry a pistol is for personal protection from sudden or near-sudden threat and I carry an R9 or a Seecamp…..perhaps using a “get off of me gun” allows for a different way to respond to threat? Using some of Applegate’s techniques I have started point shooting at the range….no aim, no bother with tremor , shoot from chest or chin height depending on distance to the threat….by damn, it is scary effective. Here is a test for you: pick an object at a reasonably close range (les than 10 yards), focus your gaze, close your eyes and point at where you last saw it. The open your eyes. If you are normal, your finger should be pointing right at the target. Something to think about!