Well folks. . . . . . For the month of August, here is magazine article #3 for you to read. We were so honored to see this cover from Combat Handguns. They have us as
"Maximum Mini-9s: A Pair of Aces!" Wow! ~ They have us in the same league at the famous Walthers! OMG! We are
very proud of this cover art. Thank you
Combat Magazine for such an honor at that time and now. Inside, writer DK Pridgen mentions that he felt the Rohrbaugh R9 9mm Pistol was like Will Smith's "Cricket" pistol in
Men in Black. That's great! DK is a pip! He goes on the call the R9 the "Snubby for the next Century". Wow again!
So everyone. . . . . Enjoy the read!
https://www.flickr.com/photos/133408092@N03/Best to you all!
Eric C. Rohrbaugh