I have the following parts/accessories for sale to fit a Rohrbaugh R9 and R9s. All parts are Rohrbaugh OEM with the exception of the grips (Hogue) and the take-down tool. All are new and unused.
One pair of Hogue Extreme Series G10 checkered grips. Black with no coating. $49.
Three sets of grip screws (3-48 x .2500 socket flat M/S 410SS HT, 12 total). $3.
Four outer recoil springs (CT21607). $15.
Solid brass take-down tool. $5.
I'll sell any of the items individually, or $65 takes all. Shipping will be based on actual cost only; should only be $2 or $3. Preferred payment method is via PayPal. See photos below. Thanks for looking!
All parts:
Hogue Grips: