Author Topic: What is the bare minimum cost for machinery needed to create a 1911 ?  (Read 3655 times)

Offline C0untZer0

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I always have this debate with anti-gunners, who claim that criminals get their guns from burglarizing homes and cars, and some straw purchasers, and cutting off sales to everyone but police would dry up the supply to gangs.  But I argue that even if they were successful, the technology to make a pistol is over 100 years old and it wouldn't take much of an investment in machinery to crank out guns for gangs and organized crime.

Does anyone know though what types of machine(s) would actually be necessary and what the initial investment would be?

I am betting that it would be less than a good meth lab.

Offline tracker

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Eric would know the answer but there are so many firearms in this country that a total eradication is virtually inconceivable. If there were a scenario where all guns were confiscated it would be total anarchy and rolling your own would be improbable. 3D technology may put a different spin on the machinery question.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 11:02:36 PM by tracker »